Friday, April 12, 2013

Released: Ygopro 1.03.0 V3 World of Prophecy

Ygopro 1.030.0 V3 has been released!

Everything you need to know can be found in the release notes:

Download the update here:


Anonymous said...


Joshua said...

percy, why my fire king card skin is blank?

dude said...

percy, why take out some anime cards? just checked my yugi moto deck to see that silent swordsman lv0 is no there same with the anime version of the seal of orichalcos. i think it would be nice to have both real and anime cards to add mor variety to creating character decks to test and duel against.

dude said...

^no longer there

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

is JOTL cards not complete yet???
because I can'yt find this following cards...



Anonymous said...

Kazuura the Fascinating Fiend is a Plant type whilst on YGOPRO it is stated as an Insect.

Anonymous said...

Fascinating Trap Hole has not been added yet. Would appreciate to see it on YGOPro.

Anonymous said...


VINCENT said...

view card problem!
i cant see the card on the top left side?
pls help me@

Anonymous said...

pls fix speed world 2 in speed duel bashin other speed world 2 becuase 1 speed world 2 in the deck

Dani said...

Hey Percy, I wanna give 3 suggestions :D

1 - Put the War God support :)
2 - Put the Orichalcos anime cards :D
3 - Infernity Zero... Its too good :E

Thank you, this is an awesome game !

Yuki said...

Percival, the Chaos Number 104's effect is not activating (negate the opponent monsters' effect).

Please, fix it in the next rev.

chaosbringer1234 said...

The Automatic updating was taking to long to finish (over half an hour) so I canceled it and downloaded the update manually. Please look into this.

Anonymous said...

Please help...
I cant type anything in the whole .exe .. whenever I type something in chat or in card search it comes as blank spaces...
Im using windows 8... please help...

Anonymous said...

fix this plz.
Kazuura the Fascinating Fiend is plant-type card not insect-type card.

Anonymous said...

excuse me, is forbidden dress known issues bug?.. because when number 11:big eye activated eff and target my Maestroke the Symphony Djinn then i chain it with forbidden dress and target Maestroke the Symphony Djinn, but it still take control my monster. or my mistake?

Percival18 said...

Forbidden Dress only prevents targeting, it does no negate.

You monster was already targeted so chaining forbidden dress to it is useless. You would have to activate it in advance.

Anonymous said...

oh no, ok i understand.. thks percy.. anyway, the AI beta is REALLY stupid.. lol

Unknown said...

I can't find black and white wave in V4 updare.... :(

Anonymous said...

Can you please stop changing the background picture in each update? It's constantly telling me that a new version is available when I have a custom BG.

~JaunM~ said...

Percy the super defense robo monke effect doenst activate if i have 2 super defense robo monster in the graveyard?

please fix in netx att

Omniprime said...

Percival, Number C104: Masquerade Magician - Umbral's effect is not activating (the one that negate's the opponent's monsters' effect) please fix it for the next update and thank you.

Percival18 said...

Can you please stop changing the background picture in each update? It's constantly telling me that a new version is available when I have a custom BG.

I released an update today.

The background image has nothing to do with it.

Caíque Zambom said...

Hey Percy, do you think you can create an system to play Cardfight!! Vanguard, like YGOPRO?

Kratos said...

percy hello how are you? will look you can make the effects of this card of anime please or someone who knows how to do effects that I did not get much of that part

Anonymous said...

Instant Fusion isnt activating, anyone else having this issue?

WonderDuelist said...

Hey Percy, I just had a system-wide suggestion for the next update:

Is it possible to have the program start alerting or letting players know when their card effects miss the timing?

I think it would be a very helpful resource.

Also, is there any way this program can compare 2 player's decks at the start of a duel in similar fashion to Checkmate's server? Personally I think players shouldn't be prorated, but rather the deck that is about to be used. I want to know how strong a deck is, not the player using it.

the sun said...

Hey Percy, can you tell me why did mine became like this?
Everytime I clik on any option, it will crashes.
Thanks before.

Anonymous said...

Blue-Eyed Silver Dragons effect does not work. My opponent used Dark Hole to destroy all my Dragon monsters on field. also My opponent targeted Silver Dragon with his card effect that destroyed my Silver Dragon.

Special Summoning during standby phase works good.

Anonymous said...

Flying "C" is not working properly. My opponent can XYZ summon, and when he summons a monster, after I activate Flying "C"'s effect and Special Summon him, if I have another Flying "C" in my hand it allows me to activate his effect in a response as a chain, I'm not sure if I can do that. Please fix, thank you.

Anonymous said...

some times in the linux server a win in a tag duel was a lose in the profile at the site hope this can be fixed thanks

Dani said...

Hey percy, two bugs...

1 - Black and White Wave is blank.
2 - I am not being able to chain anything - Even MST chaining MST ! :)

Anonymous said...

Well the only thing I could complain about is maybe outdated card artworks that seem a bit blurry (like some of the mecha phantom beasts)

But maybe that's just me.

Zuu said...

can you add a limit for both tcg/ocg, right now i can only choose one of those

Anonymous said...

Why is it labelled as 1.03.0 V4 when it should be V3

Percival18 said...

It has been updated to V4 in the meantime.

Anonymous said...

Bugs found:

Cyber Ouroboros

Cross Porter


Anonymous said...

Machu Mech Effect and Gagaga Girl Effect as XYZ Material still have bug

Anonymous said...

Why is umbral soul not affected by umbral unform effect

Anonymous said...

We seriously need to get the current artworks for a lot of these cards. It's just embarrassing at this point.

Pretty much the entire mecha phantom beasts are blurred.

Immortal said...

playing at yugioh pro, i noticed a bug on the Point purchase card, the situation is: i draw point purchase and 3 other non-monsters card (aka 3 spells), but at this moment i simply cant activate it, because the game dont let me do it,
could you fix that problem? i want to improve my deck destruction deck with it, thanks

dude said...

is it possible to return all the anime/non anime cards that were removed from the ygopro dawn of a new era v 2.9 collection and add them here? so our made decks can regain the cards that were removed from the list? missing is the anime seal of orichalcos,blue flame swordsman,silent swordsman lv0 etc...

NeoS said...

Hey Perci.I know this is too much work but do you think its possible to make the cards look like this ( ) This is the youtube channel of the guy who made the cards look like that in one of his mods

Anonymous said...

Percy, there is a bug with "War God end" , I can tribute Yamato and special summon him again which is impossible since it can only special summon war god with different name.
And another bug is "Noble Arms" Galatin and Arf...something I can't remember its name the modified attack point return to normal when they left the field which is not suppose to happen and Noble Arms are not mandatory eff so if monster is used for XYZ summon their effect can't be activated.

Anonymous said...

Oh another bug is sometime I can't activate remove spell counter from magical citadel of Endymion when I activate magical library eff please fix it, thanks.

Anonymous said...

You need to fix Soaring "C".

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, but you released the silver dragon and still I couldn't find Blue-Eyed Maiden... is it still waiting to be released or what?

Unknown said...

percy I have a question, how come you did not add these cards?, _the_Malevolent_Sh% 27nn_S% 27yo, _the_Master_of_Beasts, _the_Red_Star_Beast, _the_Symphonic_Arsenal, _the_Leonine_Rakan, _the_Vanquishing_Warlord

Unknown said...

the match winner can't be used in duels....

Unknown said...

All fusion summon not counted as special summon.

Because of this, Steelswarm Roach unable to active its effect, also Djinn Releaser of Ritual effect also couldn't stop the fusion summoning.

Anyone experience it too?

Anonymous said...

i found a Bug card

It is a Earth abirity dose not light and it eff to return card to deck dose not to hand

Unknown said...

I get it.
But I would insist, however, victory dragon was added, and that too is a match winner not to mention the game yu-gi-oh tag force 6.....

Unknown said...

Percy found bug....war god end......not activate

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Monster Effect not working properly

1.Granel Carrier Lv1 (abnormal effect behavior).

2.Skiel/Wisel/Granel - Level 1 parts effect "if there is no faceup meklord emperor
YOU CONTROL destroy this card" it should be "if there is no
faceup meklord emperor ON THE FIELD destroy this card".
The effect is right but the card info is different from the text
in the pic.

3.Meklord Emperor Skiel/Wisel/Granel - is the name of the single card emperor with the
whole body with no infinity sign the same name as with the head only? Because it says
you can only control 1 on the field. (I have the single body on the field and I cant
summon the head part only).

NOTE: meklord emperor is the single card (the one that summons when a monster is
destroyed) and machine emperor is the head part only but you named it meklord
for both so when meklord is on the field you cant summon "machine emperor" bec. it
has the same name and there can only be one faceup meklord.

NOTE: Skiel Atk 5 is still marked as level 3

Spell Effect not working properly

1. Chaos Blast - Targets only level 4 and below monsters not rank 11 and below xyz monsters .

2. Orichalcos Tritos - at the start of activation you can special summon from the
the extra deck once per duel which should not supposed to be.


Trion the Fascinating Fiend - if special summoned by goblindbergh
doesn't activate "destroy 1 spell/trap on opponents side".


Wrong Activation Message for:

-judgement of anubis
-burning knuckler leadblow
-sword manifesting war god
-war god emperor susanoo

Missing Activation Message or still in japanese:

-Fire Formation - Yoko [???]
-Beastking Bearman [normal summon w/o tribute option still in japanese]
-No.102-Halo [???] if would be destroyed
-N0.66-Beetle [???] if would be destroyed


Percy you forgot to resize these pics:

-Sin Key Law
-Sargasso's Lighthouse
-Ancient Battlefield of the Different Dimension - Sargasso


Can you add this cards from tagforce:

-Fog Castle (
-Floral Shield (
-Altar of Bound Diety (


Legend: [wrong effect]

Using Rank-up Barians Force on Comic Hero, King Arthur CRASHES the game and can you fix
his effect, instead of once per turn, [once his atk is change he can always activate his effect as
long as he has an overlay].

I cant rank up machine armored djinn engeneneral using enginel with barians force.

(I think there is some missing script for rank-up barians force)

Anonymous said...

yeah, I love the last update :D I run an tcg deck & im testing it with the new tachyon dragon to se if I really need it and it works like a charm. but I have a request, I run a hieratic deck and I read the tcg rulings & they say I can special summon a hieratic by tributing a hieratic, I have read all the cards and the ones that say that are su,nebthet,banishment and seal of reflection. the thing is that they don't say that the offering has to be faceup on the field nor face down. so the jist of ist is that the tribute can be face down or on your hand. it also works for the traps cuz you can ofer a hieratic to activate the trap. so u can have one on your hand or face down on the field to tribute it to activate the traps. example: its like having a deck full of ritual monsters without the need of a spell to special summon them and the tributed hieratic can be from your hand faceup or face down as long as it is a hieratic monster. their effect is ledgit I will leave you the tcg rulings so you can se for your selves. please fix this I need to practice more tcg sorry to bother u guy & hope this helps :)

Unknown said...

perhaps it would be recommended if percy add a rank-up magic Barian Force's anime version, because it does not require monsters of the same type, only increased by one rank

Anonymous said...

Hi guys...I think there is a bug with "Inferno rekless summon".
I used Goblindbergh's effect in order to special summon "Heroic Challenger - Extra Sword" from hand.
The opponent had a monster on the field and since the atk of "Extra Sword" is 1000, I should be able to activate the card and summon the other two from the deck. Can you eventually fix it please?

Anonymous said...

yeah instead of releasing new cards pls fix
1st all this bugs..dont you have a team or are you working alone?

Anonymous said...

I made an earthbound deck and everytime i use it i get this error.

[script error:] [string"./script/c100000307.lua"] :28' ' then' expected near ') '

[script error:] "callcardfunction"
(c100000307 initial_effect): attempt to call an error function.

Unknown said...

Anonymous said...

I made an earthbound deck and everytime i use it i get this error.

[script error:] [string"./script/c100000307.lua"] :28' ' then' expected near ') '

[script error:] "callcardfunction"
(c100000307 initial_effect): attempt to call an error function.

April 26, 2013 at 5:40 PM

that because in the script folder there is no earthbound scripts....

same case happen with timelords...

Unknown said...

Percy, plese can you add synchro monument?

Anonymous said...

thnx for the v5 update percy... :D

Anonymous said...

It would have been nice if, instead of just removing Flying "C", you actually fucking fixed it.

vin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MadRest said...

Why haven't the card pictures of the cards from Cosmo Blazer, Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy, and some others been updated yet? They are really low-quality and still use their OCG names instead of their TCG names.