Sunday, July 29, 2012

YGOPro Percy experimental version Beta2

Experimental beta build based on YGOPro version 1.02B.1

What's new in beta2?
  • New build settings
  • Online server changed to TDOANE server
  • Server refresh button in separate thread

This is not a full build. Copy the contents of this archive into the ygopro 1.02B.1 folder!
If you don't have version 1.02B.1 then click here to download.

New features

  • Resizable window
  • Fullscreen support
    Change setting in system.conf to enable fullscreen
  • Online server interaction built in

    Read this tutorial if you want to know more about playing on the ygopro servers
  • Advantage and disadvantage music
    The songs should be named 'song-advantage.mp3' and 'song-disadvantage.mp3'
  • Remembers sound and music settings

Minor changes

  • Changed 'LAN Mode' button to 'Multiplayer'
  • LAN Mode can be found under its own tab in Multiplayer
  • Changed 'Search' button to 'Filter results'
  • Changed 'Group of turn cards over %d cards' to 'Revealing %d cards'
  • Card declaration dialog is no longer case sensitive (mind crush, prohibition, gishki diviner etc.)
  • New app icon

Remember that these features are in beta. They can contain bugs!

Todo list / Known issues


  • Add texts to strings.conf to ease translation of non-english languages

Screen size related

  • Deck edit screen
  • Let window popups start in middle of the screen
  • Make game log section larger vertically
  • Hi-res pics
  • Larger font
  • Larger buttons


  • Make room browser better (more eyecandy)
  • Room filters
  • Remember account username and password
  • Put refresh button functionality in a new thread to prevent menu from freezing
  • Options for creating a room
  • Choose server
  • Read, parse and translate Chinese server error messages


Programmer of YGOPro experimental: Percival18

Main YGOPro programmer: Fluorohydride

Server by Kaiba Corporation


1 – 200 of 204   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

Add english server please..

Anonymous said...

percival 18 i have low framerate in executable mode help me!

Anonymous said...

Percy, who will add the high resolution pictures, just you or someone else?

felipeROx said...

Everything works fine here, the only problem is My password showing up on the screen .-.

Percival18 said...

I would be super happy if someone else could make the card pictures

felipeROx said...

If you are running steam, youtube or other flash aplications close it to play, or your framerate will down to half or less some times '-'

Anonymous said...

how should be named advantage and disadvantage music files?

Anonymous said...

you can add alternate executable help .

Percival18 said...

Ah I forgot to mention. Try songadvantage.mp3 or song-advantage.mp3

I don't have access to my pc right now so I can't look it up

Anonymous said...

When I try running the program it opens then closes right away. Please help.

Anonymous said...

When I try running the program it closes on me. Please help.

felipeROx said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
felipeROx said...

This isn't the full game, It's only a patch, you will have to extract on your main YGOpro '-'

Anonymous said...

you can disponible alternate executable my ygopro is very slow heelp me, and create a video to demontre new multiplayer mode !

Anonymous said...

Indeed, the files should be named song-advantage.mp3 and song-disadvantage.mp3

Anonymous said...

I tried that but it still doesn't work

Unknown said...

can you add 'Time Lord' monsters ?

Obdulio said...

I copied over the zipped files into the YGOPro version 1.02B.1 folder but the program opens up with white screen before closing itself

Anonymous said...

+1 agree
and please ad it fast and thanks

Anonymous said...

there is a problem in the game (no options for playing like tag duel and time limited TCG/OCG what should we do plz???

Anonymous said...

Percy can you please add a way to change host setting in the game
like Allowed Cards : TGC/OGC ...
and if it's possible put english server

Anonymous said...

I do all the instructions but how i enter to a duel o host for a duel?

Anonymous said...

how i enter to a duel o host for a duel for somebody?

Anonymous said...

how i enter to duel?

Anonymous said...

hmm... still the startup-crashing issue since 1.02B.1
I can't figure what's the reason... previous version worked fine uptil now.

is it possible the coding has changed so that it requires more "up-to-date" version of visual c++ and so on??

Anonymous said...

What's the code to host tcg on this server?

Senoue said...

Every time I set a card, the game does not do a move. And it freezes

Anonymous said...

Why no 1920x1080 resolution and why china server!?!

Anonymous said...

I can confirm that it is

victor said...

My friend is using the alternate version, but he gets VERY low framerates (FPS: 3, max 7). the normal doesn't open. how to fix it?

BiRD-Ey3-VieW said...

thank you Percy
but I dont like Chinese server because they play only OCG

High res of all card should be hard work

why dont you change field when field spell activate like this

Anonymous said...

When the (insert advantage/disadvantage mp3 here) is added to the "sound" folder and renamed properly, the game does not reproduce this music at all.

Anonymous said...

I've low framerate " FPS : 9 " :(
help please

Anonymous said...

I've low framerate " FPS : 9 " :(
help please

Anonymous said...

Working perfectly! Nice work, Percy! Thanks to the team. =)

Anonymous said...

this is really awesome Percy!!

Bruno Joseph said...

I'm owner from and i'm looking for someone to help me for build a english server... if anyone wanna help me i'm on hamachi network !Global 2 (no pass).

My name on hamachi is "Head admin Slay".

Anonymous said...

why i'm always disconnected :/

Ogamis said...

I have exactly the same problem- i usually have to close every window, shut down, and re-start the computer- some fix, help, or explanation would be greatly apreciated

Anonymous said...

Firstly, every time I try to open the game it closes itself
Secondly, as i can't read chinese, i'm not sure how to make an account on Mycard- could someone give me a translation?

Percival18 said...

I will change it to a password field in the next version. Remember though, the password is being sent to the server unencrypted. Nothing I can do about it.

BlazeFenix said...

you can download german version of the chinese MyCard program here it is in german so i think many will find it easier to understand german then chinese ..

Anonymous said...

I think use dawn server because its english

The Pope said...

Whenever I duel, the entire dueling field becomes white. Could I get help with this?

Anonymous said...

I have a problem when I use LAN mode. For some reason me and my brother can't see my room in the lobby menu. Please help.

The Pope said...

When you use Astral Barrier to perform a direct attack, it asks "Banish" instead of attacking directly.

Anonymous said...

@The Pope check your "textures" folder and see if the field image is there, if not add one.

YuGiOhMoDDeR said...

make sure u have "field.png" in folder "textures" :)

Anonymous said...

Please add English server, China sucks, and please fix the low FPS issues.

Anonymous said...

Here Percy, please add this, its an english sever from Kaiba Corporation.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with the "mycard" server and if you have a low framerate then buy a new video card and install some more ram.

Hugo365 said...

Percy like with the normal 102.B.1 I can't open the game with the normal .exe, could you build alternate .exe for the beta?

Alucard said...

Can anyone make a mini tutorial? I don't know how to duel with this... thanks.

BlazeFenix said...

When u use Stratos eff to destroy spell/traps it asks change the battle position instead of selecting spell/trap. After you click yes you can choose which one to destroy .. but it might confuse some1 .. so it's better changed

The Pope said...

He can't "add" a server. What's there is there. If someone else starts up an English server and he connects through that, then he can go from there.

Besides, once he gets to the point where you can just host and join games like usual, it probably won't matter where the server originates, since tons of people will be coming in from US or other English-speaking countries.

Anonymous said...

Yea, this one is nice because some people use TCG cards, on the chinese server everybody is using OCG and speaking Chinese to me in the chat.

Anonymous said...

Percy please read the top first comment, we really need the English server.

Anonymous said...

Dear Percy,
I inform you that I have encountered a bug when refreshing on multiplayer, it says "Error 3 failed to parse server data".

Anonymous said...

Dear Percy,
I have also encountered a simular bug with the refresh function on multiplayer, "Error 2 failed to open url".

felipeROx said...

"Error 2 failed to open url" <-- I hope mycard server Isn't boycotting your project '-'

Papahlamidas said...

Percy i can help you with the translation of the cards effects if you need. I know how to open the card db and change the effects from Chinese to English.
If you have a list of cards that need to be translated it will be a good start.
Let me know if can be any help.
And something else.
I have a friend that he has all the cards from ygo online at very good quality. If you are interested for them let me know to tell him to upload them.

Anonymous said...

i try to online duel with friend
and when my friend makes room and tells me the name and password,
i put the name/password and connect, then it automatically makes new room instead of joining his room

sketch21 said...

i would like the cards if u can upload them plz. and the cards back image too if u dont mind. thanks in advance

Anonymous said...

Madolche ticket activate more that 1 time if opponent activate dark hole in more that 1 madolche?? is correctly?

I hope you understand me, my english is so bad xD

Anonymous said...

Error 2 failed to open url <-- this can not be coincidence. Percy I think you have to use another server like this of the first comment: its english. And in the next vesion change of the duel exchange of the dueling field depending magical field like fortissimo fortress is not bad idea.

sketch21 said...

u mad? that server isnt english at all. my card is a better investment in my opinion

Anonymous said...

Failed to open URL, use the english sever please, its the one they use for Yu-Gi-Oh! Dawn of a New Era

Anonymous said...

That server is English, if you ever play Yu-Gi-Oh! Dawn of a New Era you can see there that this is the server they use.

Anonymous said...

Yes, please, upload the good quality card pictures!

Anonymous said...

Mycard is down please help

Anonymous said...

Percy please use dawn of a new era servers mycard seems to be down or let us chooose

sketch21 said...

my card isnt down im using it now however server choices sounds nice

The Pope said...

It's an incredibly early beta. He'll get to it when he can, so everyone needs to stop badgering him about it.

sketch21 said...

agreed. ppl need to learn to sit back and enjoy the run. good things come to those who wait

Percival18 said...

I think we hammered the server to death lol..

Percival18 said...

I could but I don't want to be a jerk and use their server wihout them knowing

sketch21 said...

i understand. is there a way that we can get them co-operate with us?

felipeROx said...

I prefer MyCard than TDOANE. '-'

Anonymous said...

Ehm... why don't you just ask them lol, they already use your exe anyways so it doesn't matter I guess.

Hugo365 said...

Perci i ask again is it possible that you made an altarnate exe for this beta?

Windy said...

I prefer a system where we edit the config file and play any server we want.

Anonymous said...

is it only me? when i click refresh, i get this "Failed to parse server data" is the server down ?

sketch21 said...

editing a confic file isnt really professional

Anonymous said...

That would make a hole nation infeated of pc's with without gaming requieremts happy lol

Anonymous said...

I can't seem to find Gravekeeper's Spy. I have searched it and even when I just enter Gravekeeper, it doesn't come up but all the other gravekeepers do. Would be very greatful if you could add it as it's a great card, thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, when will the FPS bug and the English server get fixed, and how do I make resolution 800x600, Please answer!

Anonymous said...

Ok mr.rocket scientist, it can have a default server obv. but just allow users to change it..........

Anonymous said...

Here is my list of suggestions, please comment and tell me what you think about them:

1. Add Multi-Server support, this can be as simple as storing the servers IP address in the configuration files. There are 2 reasons why I think this is a good idea: Most importantly, if one server goes down or moves to a different host, this would allow users to change to the new server IP without the need to download a new version. Second, there are a lot of people wanting to play one server or the other for whatever reasons, so this would allow them to chose which one they want.

2. Add high resolution cards and background images, or create a team to do this since it really is a lot of work> You could make some sort of a website system that contains all card names and allows people to upload their own cards under it, and when somebody uploads a high image resolution card that card is greyed out and others can't upload it again, this way the card images can be uploaded really fast.

3. Fix the FPS issues that some users might be having by bringing back the alternative executable file.

Thanks for all your hard work.

Anonymous said...

alternative executable, please

Hugo365 said...

my pc have more than the min requieriments, it's only that i don't why the exe trows an error when trying to open it that happens to me since version 1027.
And sorry if i have errors English it's not my native language.

Anonymous said...

Completely agree with all these post. An english server would be great because I could understand what my tag partner wants me to do sometimes.

Satsume said...

Great Job for all! This simulator is awesome (also sometimes the game crashes, and i don't know why)
I can suggest somethings?
I will sound for Ace-card (how in the DS game) if it's possible and a different covers for enemy and me if always is possible =D
thx for reading, i hope wheter you made this :D

Anonymous said...

percy the beta version is very slow. FPS is low between 30-40 fps.
I had to combine "_alternate_executable" that there is actually crashes
and if I want to make room, select the icon "?" and told to go to my website card, there does not happen [not responding]. this example

error 1 [not responding]
error 2 [I select refresh but it does not happen]

and if you want to host choose which one?
lan or multiplayer mode.
if you write "20FFF8000, 5.1, [room name] 'mean go to lan mode?
right or wrong.

thanks :)

Anonymous said...

percy why when I saw the replay.
and in the replay that I happen effect veiler that its effect is active.
and the error immediately.

I've tried a few times, when the effect veiler is active,
immediately stop and replay the error..

Anonymous said...

ruling malefic without a field spell although skill drain, there remains destroyed.

in the current version
skill drain active in the field without field spell. malefic stay alive
why the current version is wrong?

Anonymous said...

Kaiba server is not very attractive, because it is not automatic like the server "my card" immediately get a DP, and automated databases.
Kaiba server is still waiting for confirmation, it is still manual. Kaiba and regular website and unattractive.

if you can make the server "my card" but in a state of the English language.
That's incredible.
thnaks: D

Anonymous said...

dawn new era not use automatic database ranking.
very disapointed

sketch21 said...

lol a scientist ? ... really ?

Anonymous said...

"Failed to parse server data" What is this error? Please someone help! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I get "Failed to parse server data" too TT

Percival18 said...

I will upload a new version tonight

Anonymous said...

Im getting "Error 3: Failed to parse server data" after clicking on refresh button. What should I do? '-'

Birdost said...

I clicked refresh and ---> help please

The Pope said...

Hey Percy. I've got a recurring problem. Not sure if it's on your end or Fluorohydride's, but I figured I should ask here anyway.

Sometimes when I get an activation prompt, after I answer it, nothing happens. If I right click, the prompt comes back up again. If I click the same answer again, still nothing happens, and again it comes back if I right click. This happens regardless of whether I answer Yes or No.

Anonymous said...

nice ok but pls check for effect vieler effect cos it's not work with me

Anonymous said...

If Skill Drain is active Melfics won't be destroyed as they effect are negated.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Will it have TDOANE server?

Anonymous said...

They don't mean the KCVDS server, they mean the TDOANE YGOPRO server which works just fine and its automatic, please add it.

Percival18 said...

What operating system do you have?

That 20FFF8000,5,1,roomname should be put in "Join/Create room"

Anonymous said...

keep up the good work percy you are the Boss ;)

Anonymous said...

malefic effect which "if there is no field spell card" resolved when it's on the field.
so, whenever skill drain on the field then malefic won't destroyed.
"there can be only one face up malefic on the field" this one always active when this card on your hand, deck, grave, field, even removed from play.

Percival18 said...

All right guys, beta version 2 is up.

The Pope said...


How do we register on the Dawn of a New Era site? All it says is how to download their version of your program.

Did you talk to them about this? I'm hoping that instead of ripping off your translation and GUI, they'll redirect themselves back here. It's bad business to have people split between two sources, and theirs is just a knock-off of yours. At least that's what I've surmised.

Papahlamidas said...

It looks ok.
TDAONE is better.

Percival18 said...

I got permission to use their server. You don't need to register on Dawn.

The Pope said...

Also, I have no idea what you did, but this frame rate is heavenly. Connection is a little spotty, though that might be KC's problem, not yours.

The Pope said...

Then how do you host games?

The Pope said...

Also, while you should focus on your work in progress first, could you add something to your to-do list?

The chat system could use a little work. Anything beyond a certain point just goes off the edge of the screen and can't be read. Could you provide some kind of text wrap functionality? Also, it would be great if we could get a chat log. Maybe you could have a little white box at the bottom of the screen with a scroll bar to look through the entire chat?

On a related note, I suggest that once you iron out server connectivity, you have some kind of server-wide chat, as well as a PM system in place. This would make it great for people to communicate outside of duels.

The Pope said...

You do know that they just took Percy's code and attracted people away from his site, right?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If i login and enter in a game it shows after the nick my password...

Anonymous said...

Hello percy.....
I got a problem with the .exe
when i execute the game close.....
someone have the same problem?????

YuGiOhMoDDeR said...

@The Pope..cmon man..why u think tht all "takin" Percy's work?? game is free, open source n everyone can use it how they want...n dont u think tht percy took some other work either?? get some info, man...peace

Anonymous said...

@The Pope Don't you think we should leave that to Flourohydride? And for a PM system, Dawn of whatever era has it incorporated in it's launcher.

Anonymous said...

I got this problem too...

The Pope said...

We shouldn't need that. All we should need is the main program.

The Pope said...

Percy took Fluorohydride's source code and parsed it into an English-translated mod with a working GUI and thousands of card images.

KC then took Percy's program and claimed it was theirs, and now everyone is going to them thinking that they're the ones who made this magical program.

husby said...

That's true I know about Kaiba, we used to have a forum way back before YGOPRO and DN the person in charge was called Bomwatchout, the last I heard from him, he told me he had to shut it down Because of Kaiba, this was when power of chaos was an alternative for playing yugioh for free, am going to be straightforward and percy I hope you see and allow it so others can see as well, But all Kaiba do is HACK peoples codes ,claim it as it was his and then makes money from it and he is not alone , KAIBA IS NO GOOD.

felipeROx said...

Have a way to change to MyCard by myself? '-'

Anonymous said...

is it me or the new server is to slow

Anonymous said...

the new server is too slow, i thing mycard is better

Anonymous said...

With me too!

The Pope said...

Quick question, Percy. Once the September 2012 Ban List is unveiled, do you think you could put it up as one of the options, even before it's official? I'm sure people would like to have the option to play with that list.

An option I don't like, however, is the option for Priority, which isn't even legal anymore. Could you please remove that option? I hate joining a game, only to realize that they're using Priority.

A said...

yes, me too..

Anonymous said...

Yay, TDOANE server is working great.

I am still wondering if you can add alternative exe because I can't play on my laptop, I get low FPS now.

sketch21 said...

when did they ever claim it was theirs please link me to where they made those statements.

sketch21 said...

we have a main program bro. and what could you possibly say to some one during a duel that would cause your text to go off screen.

sketch21 said...

yoll using beta 2 ?

sketch21 said...

download everything again... that worked for me

sketch21 said...

if youre using beta 2 then u dont need to login to play

Anonymous said...

I was getting the same problem, but after Percyval released the beta 2 it has been fixed for me.

Anonymous said...

please fix Effect Veiler's effect, its getting error when it activated

Anonymous said...

hown to change the banlist in online mode?

Anonymous said...

just wanted to say its really great promising work keep up work & i would tell u get more idea of improving the game from YGO3 before it close in 9 Thanks alot

Anonymous said...

that's not my intention,
My intention is not to use the database ranking Kaiba as done by the server that my card.

Anonymous said...

I strongly agree with this.
still lots of empty boxes on the screen YGOpro.
added better facilities "public chat" that's very good.

especially when added to the facility, anyone who is online at this time.
We can private chat with the people we want.
not in the duel alone /

thanks: D

Ryderjj89 said...

Percival, what resolution do the card images need to be in? Also, I need to know what the new resolution needs to be for the thumbnail images.

I can possibly do it once I know what the new sizes for each image needs to be changed to.

Please let me know ASAP so I can work on it.

Anonymous said...

Hello Percy..Thank you for your dedication..but i've a question for you: i started playing some weeks ago and i have only the latest versions of YGOpro..but my problem is that i saw also older versions and there are some pictures of "bg" or "cover" that i like more than the actual ones. Can you create a file in witch there are all the old pictures you used for bg , cover and others? i'm sorry if i'm not very clear in exposition but i'm from italy and i'm not so good in english...i hope you can help me..have a nice day

Percival18 said...

What are your system specs?

Hugo365 said...

you can add any picture you want as cover or bg you only need to check the format an resolution in the textures folder of the game and change them for the the one you like only with the same name, you can put imagages you like more than those of previous versions

Hugo365 said...

they never claimed its theirs but i think they niether give flou or percy credit for the program

Hugo365 said...

hey perci can you give me the requiriments for the game please and also a list of any additional software if needeed

Anonymous said...

what's are the resolution of hi-res pics?

cf said...

percy error 2 : failed to open url ?

help plz. in two version beta 1 e beta 2

Anonymous said...

Even with BETA 2 is the same error... Someone knows how to solve this issue?

Anonymous said...

NEED HELP ---------------

how you can create a room with OCG/TCG?

Pende said...

Failed to parse server data. What to do?

sketch21 said...

percy i sent you a message on youtube named card infos. i think u might be interested

Bryan said...

How to host and how to setting the host???

Percival18 said...

There are no special requirements. All you need is windows.
What are your pc specs and what error do you get (if any)?

The Pope said...

Okay, I have to ask, who decides whether the "Priority" option stays in the program, you or Fluorohydride?

Because it needs to go. I've been facing tons of people who are trying to use it who either have no idea what it is, or still think it's legal. Could this please be removed from the program? It's become a relic.

husby said...

When I said he hacks peoples codes and claimed it as his own I wasn't talking about YGOPRO I was talking about kaiba in general however he should give credit to the people who made it possible for us to play YGOPRO in the first place here is a small example

Now think a little Kaiba calls YGOPRO Dawn of a New Era on his site even his version of YGOPRO is called that, however he developed a game called KCVDS which he already gave that name too also he developed some mods for Yugioh Power of chaos, which also had the name, now alot of people just discovering YGOPRO thinks it his unless they do some searching. END OF DISCUSSION.

ben-ygopro2 said...

Hi, i find Mycards much more better than Dawn because:
* faster
* Good Ranking System
* more Players
* working all the time
* Source on Github

The Problem´s on MyCard:
* Often updates which overwrite your translations (me translated to german)
* chat Room for englisch/europe Players

Dawn of New Era
* very slow
* overwrites own write fonts
* many Down times
* many players use the "X" Button
* Database very open -> ranking on this DB very lol

The people from MyCard work on a second chat Lobby for Europe Players -> see @ github. Think after that its get a bigger lobby can talk in englisch and play TCG/OCG

is Dawn of New Era not also a Chinese Server and only the Database is locatet in US ??? <- Is that Dawn ? looks very englisch ^^

Anonymous said...

I know but also searching on internet,i'm not able to find some of the images percy used in other versions..for special summoning i like more the green circle..but i'm not able to find such image that i saw in the other version

Percival18 said...

The resolution doesn't really matter. They will be resized dynamically.

The images in ygopro are 177x254. I am aiming at double of that. The higher the resolution the better, but at least 354x508.

ben-ygopro2 said...

Will Explain the Host / Join Key ...

The people who use the Key first Hoste the game. The people that use the same key they join the hostet Duell

The Key ...


First = 0,1,2 (single,match,tag)
Second = 0,1,2 (TCG / OCG / both)
3. = True or False (priority TCG)
4/5 = false pls (Dont shuffle / dont check)
7 - 10 = Lifepoints
last = Hostname

-> With that Key you can do all Settings for Host that YGOPro have. Example: give host in mycards with tcg(priority)

In moment me Build a very simpel launcher that join/host all Servers. Between the Development Percy Create the 102B.1 and 2 and i think know the launcher is not more very needed ^^ So i begann to integrated a own Database System in thinking to bring a Server too that ygopro have 1 Server more. The Trouble of this.. Where i get the Server Software^^ It´s not realy easy to get this Information.

Anonymous said...

yes why people not want to tell server software

ben-ygopro2 said...

5,5 in Key is Handcards starte and cards draw in round 5,1 is better^^ When somebody can give informations about the Server -> can send me a mail over thx a lot

sketch21 said...

mycard server software is open source i believe and is written in ruby

ben-ygopro2 said...

^^not MyCard..find on google^^

YGOPRO Server Software ...!

DaWi said...

In ONL Server: I dunno why i got "Invalid Deck" when I choose Dark World deck ?
In LAN Mode: It 's normal, i can use DW

Help plz

Ryderjj89 said...

Hmm. Simply resizing them to double the size is good. But the image becomes a little blurry once I do that. If you're okay with that, I'll work on getting all the images doubled.

Now, what about the thumbnails? Do they need to be bigger as well? If so, how much bigger?

Hugo365 said...

my pc is old but i think its more than enough to play ygopro this are my pc specs:

AMD Athlon 2.0 ghz
Ram: 512Mb
GPU: Nvidia Geforce 4Mx 4000 64Mb Agp 8X
Windows Xp Sp3
And i got directx 9.0c

Hugo365 said...

as for the error i only get the clasic window with the send or don't send error

Percival18 said...

Nope thumbnails not needed.

Please don't just double the size. Find a decent picture and size it down. For example on wikia:

Anonymous said...

This new Kaiba is not the one from KCVDS or JTP or whatever I think, and if you look at their dawn videos you can see that credit is always given to everybody:

Anonymous said...

Well, I prefer Dawn of New Era because for me its faster then mycard, and I hate the ranking system because then everybody is using the same meta decks.

As for the fonts and the down times, I agree Dawn has had some down times in the past but I think they got those fixed now, and since this new program Percy made uses only the game it shouldn't be overwriting the fonts anymore, as for the database, again, that shouldn't matter if you use just the game, and the "X" button, can't change the people man.

That server is in Canada I think, I tried tracing the IP so unless its some sort of proxy it should be in Canada.

Anonymous said...

Bug Report : TDOANE is damn slow... 30 minutes to get to the 5th turn...

sketch21 said...

cuz of the settings of the room u joined in the server menu

Anonymous said...

@Percival18...U should try to use the pictures from "yugioh online 3". just download the game and extract the pictures with "quickbms". u will get every data from the "yugioh online 3" game. The pictures there are pretty good. If u wont find "quickbms" than give me somehow your email and ii will give it to u. the Yugioh Online 3 Game is still availble on the konami homepage:

Ryderjj89 said...

Alright. Good idea. I'll see what I can do with that.

Anonymous said...

Maybe a good idea is to use the images from Dueling Network, (with their permission, of course) they are all with the same color tone, this is very important to look good visually. Also, they do not possess those codes like SDKB -001 (All the YGOPro cards uses just "Yu Gi Oh" by default has his code).

Unknown said...

Hello percy... i need your help.. i use bete 2 version and i have this problem.. error 02. failed to open url.. when i clik refresh.. what should i do ??..
please help me.. i can duel if i host but i cant join a room..

JS said...

I've been reading all this and i'm a little disappointed that percy himself hasn't come in to clear up some of this bs. Remember guys the word is open source. I can't believe people are complaining about using Kiaba's free server. Um did any of you help pay for it? Bandwidth anyone? Let's see some receipts. I didn't think so

Some of you need to open your eyes to the bigger picture and that is ygopro continuing to grow and it's fan base

DaWi said...

I join or host the room with this setting:
So why cant I use DW ?
Explain more plz

Percival18 said...

Can you post a screenshot of your deck?

Unknown said...

Hey Guys plz help me on this
ive one everything 100% courrect but when i run the beta exe nothing happens?
plz help me

DaWi said...

Here it is:
[IMG] [/IMG]

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but Inca Dragons doesn't work

DaWi said...

Same, i think MyCard better

Nheil said...

For those who are having difficulties to host correctly, copy these 3 lines to a wordpad or such and you can ctrlc ctrlv when you hosting:

1 - TCG+OCG Single Duel
20FFF8000,5,1, gamename

2 - TCG+OCG Match Duel
21FFF8000,5,1, gamename

3 - TCG+OCG Tag Duel
22FFF8000,5,1, gamename

Of course "gamename" can be anything, your name, preferably. But it looks like only the first few spells are visible so it is pointless to write long words.
Timelimit is always 180 but it seems to acts as a infinity time.
No priority + dont check deck + dont shuffle deck are default. Since priority have gone anyway it is the correct way.
8000 is the Life points so you can easily change it.

I actually hated when ocg+tcg was merged but i had to realize that 99 % of people doesnt give a *** about 2 formats so here we go, 2 foramts together. I personally only use tcg cards but thats just me.

I hope it helps.

Anonymous said...

hey percy i want to thank you for the work you do and ask you add few things to the game like shuffle hand button and option to hold the mouse so u can activate s\t during opponent dp or things like that

felipeROx said...

MyCard is way better than TDOANE '-'

Unknown said...

percy i cant put Rainbow Dragon and Malefic Rainbow Dragon 3 each because in th game the 2 cards are the same.

Anonymous said...

people how to play ranked duels on kaiba servers? thanks
and percy please give as option to use mycard or kaiba servers

keep up the good work percy!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your hard work, this new version is working great for me.

TDOANE server is working fast for me, not sure why everybody is complaining, their opponents probably had slow internet or something.

Anonymous said...

Your opponent probably had slow internet, for me TDOANE works perfectly.

Anonymous said...

The beta exe won't work after extracting it to the main ygo pro folder plz guys help me my spec are
Os win7 ultimate
Intel celeron cpu with 3.6ghz
Gpu intel mobile cheapist media exepress
Ram 1Gb
I know that my pc is old but it was running ygo pro 100% good why not now? When I click at the beta exe nothing ever happins
Soory for bad eng

Hirako said...

Failed to parse server data??? help me!!!!!!

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