Sunday, July 22, 2012

YGOPro 1.02B.1 Percy: Abyss Rising

Changes in this version
What's new in mod
  • 5435 cards total
  • Return of the Duelist translations updated: 
    • Magical -> Prophecy
    • Book of Spell -> Spellbook
    • Ooparts -> Chronomaly
  • New puzzles added
  • Fixed some wrong card names. Thanks for reporting.
  • Fixed some card pictures for Constellar and Evilswarm
Known issues
  • Many cards still have old pictures (like Chronomaly)
  • If you have framerate issues then try using the files in the "_alternate_executable" folder (copy them to the ygopro main folder)
Read the FAQ before posting a question.

Found a card bug? Search the card at and read the rulings first. You can report card bugs here:

New cards since 1.02A.0:

86988864 3-Hump Lacooda
67048711 7
51351302 A Man with Wdjat
88409165 Abyss Warrior
8719957 Abysscale - Kraken
60202749 Abyssphere
34707034 Abyssquall
97697447 Abysstrom
62476197 Achacha Chanbara
62325062 Adhesion Trap Hole
16135253 Agido
61592395 Alma Spellbook
64342551 Amphibious Bugroth MK-3
303660 Amplifier
79649195 Armor Break
22493812 Army Ant Token
55348096 Arsenal Robber
99284890 Avatar of The Pot
9053187 Awakened Brave Warrior - Gagagigo
82705573 Backfire
39892082 Balloon Lizard
22047978 Battle Break
94463200 Battle-Scarred
39507162 Blade Knight
89041555 Blast Held by a Tribute
30653113 Blessings of the Nile
48115278 Block Token
48115277 Blockman
97783659 Blood Sucker
20871001 Blue Medicine
76532077 Bottomless Shifting Sand
58531587 Bubble Bringer
36088082 Bull Blader
59364406 Burning Beast
84740193 Buster Rancher
65743242 Call of the Earthbound
95614612 Cannonball Spear Shellfish
12183332 Card Shuffle
59957503 Cashback
36931229 Castle Gate
44209392 Castle Walls
95841282 Cat's Ear Tribe
97439308 Chaos Greed
69313735 Checkmate
86871615 Clone Token
86871614 Cloning
42541548 Coach Goblin
86801871 Cobra Jar
68057622 Continuous Destruction Punch
48148828 D.D. Crazy Beast
34109611 Daigusto Falcos
78053598 Dark Designator
90980792 Dark Jeroid
35798491 Darkbishop Archfiend
10209545 Decayed Commander
69542930 Dedication through Light and Darkness
8649148 Deep Sweeper
39719977 Delta Attacker
72575145 Demotion
12965761 Des Dendle
93747864 Desert Sunlight
13409151 Desertapir
83241722 Dice Re-Roll
62437430 Different Dimension Trench
95194279 Dimension Distortion
20727787 Disarmament
19612721 Disc Fighter
14771222 Distant Sea Knight
57902462 Divine Knight Ishzark
3493978 Don Turtle
67464807 Dora of Fate
24096228 Double Spell
50045299 Dragon Capture Jar
55763552 Dragon Piper
28563545 Dragon Seeker
32437102 Dragonic Attack
31476755 Dust Barrier
85166216 Elephant Statue of Blessing
12160911 Elephant Statue of Disaster
6103294 Emissary of the Oasis
53136004 Emperor of Prophecy
770365 Empress of Prophecy
20188127 Fairy of the Spring
17653779 Fairy's Hand Mirror
89731911 Familiar Knight
58607704 Fiend's Hand Mirror
73134081 Final Flame
51281878 Fishborg Planter
74168099 Flaming Star Marquis - Hoshin
96864811 Forbidden Garment
34103656 Forgotten Capital Lemuria
85359414 Freezing Beast
12014404 Gagaga Gunman
9583383 Gagaga Kaiser
7512044 Gather Your Mind
30190809 Gear Golem the Moving Fortress
425934 Goblin of Greed
97997309 Goethe Spellbook
42868711 Gora Turtle of Illusion
13944422 Granadora
35866404 Grandran
11448373 Grave Protector
35220244 Gravity Blaster
10809984 Great Phantom Thief
34370473 Gryphon's Feather Duster
54359696 Hanged Man of Prophecy
60316373 Heraldic Beast Aberconway
96704018 Heraldic Beast Bernard's Falcon
90743290 Hermit of Prophecy
21924381 Heroic Advance
34143852 Heroic Challenger Extra Sword
61132951 Heroic Challenger Night-Attack Cantera
48009503 Heroic Champion - Gandiva
74593218 Heroic Champion - Kusanagi
95920682 Heroic Gift
61314842 High Medallion Arts
81863068 Hiro's Shadow Scout
38552107 Horn of Light
40343749 Houseduston
13959634 Ice Spirit God - Moulin Glace
19847532 Infernal Flame Emperor
17185260 Inferno Hammer
23615409 Insect Barrier
37957847 Insect Princess
95214051 Jade Insect Whistle
33784505 Jar Robber
4869446 Judgment of the Desert
55948544 Judgment of the Pharaoh
26732909 Justice of Prophecy
80441106 Keldo
84814897 Kiryu
60519422 Kishido Spirit
23269426 Last-Moment Alignment
20394040 Lava Battleguard
87010442 Legacy Hunter
99747800 Legendary Fiend
62543393 Lekunga
62543394 Lekunga Token
44595286 Light of Judgment
90790253 Little-Winguard
89521713 Madolche Croiwanssant
23681456 Madolche Happy Festa
26016357 Madolche Marmamaid
52404456 Madolche Messengelato
60470713 Madolche Ticket
96474800 Magic Deflector
22869904 Magic-Power-Induced Explosion
96008713 Magical Arm Shield
91819979 Magical Blast
8794435 Maju Garzett
99597615 Malevolent Nuzzler
43714890 Man-Thro' Tro'
40160226 Mechanical Sea Dragon - Plesion
60080151 Memory of a Rival
69257165 Mental Corruption
24435369 Mermaid Knight
69293721 Mermail - Abyssgunde
96682430 Mermail - Abysshilde
95466842 Mermail - Abysslang
23899727 Mermail - Abysslinde
58471134 Mermail - Abysspike
22076135 Mermail - Abyssturge
74371660 Mermail - Gaioabyss
21954587 Mermail - Megaloabyss
87564935 Metallizing Parasite - Soltite
33114323 Metalsilver Armor
64274292 Meteorain
18190572 Micro Ray
63442605 Mirage Token
9861795 Mogumole
58074572 Mooyan Curry
93671934 Morale Boost
22493811 Multiplication of Ants
11508758 Mutant Mindmaster
40172183 Narrow Pass
88686573 Nimble Angler
20065549 Non-Spellcasting Area
51616747 Nubian Guard
80863132 Null and Void
47387961 Number 8: Heraldic King Genome Heriter
1992816 Number 9: Canopy Star - Dyson Sphere
49221191 Number C32: Shark Drake Vice
56995655 Ominous Fortunetelling
75620895 One-Eyed Skill Gainer
36042825 One-Shot Wand
63120904 Orca Mega-Fortress of Darkness
78986941 Order to Charge
39019325 Order to Smash
60577362 Overpowering Eye
42035044 Panther Warrior
42035045 Panther Warrior
63442604 Physical Double
90669991 Pineapple Blast
35429292 Pixie Knight
97526666 Planet Pathfinder
86801872 Poisonous Snake Token
37164373 Queen Madolche Tiaramisu
38723936 Question
25236056 Rare Metal Dragon
7625614 Raregold Armor
82529174 Ray of Hope
31785398 Ready for Intercepting
70821187 Regenerating Mummy
22747316 Retaliation
58641905 Ring of Defense
83258273 Robbin' Zombie
30860696 Rocket Warrior
94793422 Rod of the Mind's Eye
93382620 Rope of Life
46303688 Roulette Barrel
19086954 Second Goblin
1828513 Shadow of the Six Samurai - Shien
52097679 Shield  Sword
86952477 Shine Knight
76442347 Small Penguin
73659078 Snowdust Giant
15893860 Snowman Creator
33911264 Solar Wind Jammer
84550200 Sonic Jammer
37383714 Soul Rope
76103675 Sparks
42598242 Special Hurricane
29735721 Spell Vanishing
33981008 Spellbook Institute - La Maison
25343280 Spirit of the Pharaoh
4896788 Spirit of the Pot of Greed
92854392 Staunch Defender
17836042 Straggling Force
13955608 Stronghold the Moving Fortress
40453765 Swamp Battleguard
98495314 Sword of Deep-Seated
5371656 Sword of the Soul-Eater
71983925 Talisman of Spell Sealing
19312169 Talisman of Trap Sealing
9831539 Tannh?¤user Gate
16469012 Teva
31076103 The First Sarcophagus
84136000 The Grave of Enkindling
1525329 The Hunter with 7 Weapons
66926224 The Law of the Normal
95642274 The Modest Sentry
16430187 The Reliable Guardian
4081094 The Second Sarcophagus
99517131 The Spell Absorbing Life
78697395 The Third Sarcophagus
27618634 The Unhappy Girl
51838385 Theban Nightmare
5703682 Thousand Energy
69196160 Thunder Crash
90337190 Torpedo Fish
3055837 Trap of Board Eraser
79766336 Trap of Darkness
32298781 Triangle Power
2903036 Tribute Doll
75622824 Tricky Spell 4
75622825 Tricky Token
61254509 Tripod Fish
55013285 Troop Dragon
27769400 Tualatin
32240937 Ultimate Obedient Fiend
22431243 Ultra Evolution Pill
95352218 Unification of the Country
60399954 Union Attack
11743119 Union Rider
22056710 Vampire Genesis
46571052 Vampire Orchis
95220856 Vengeful Bog Spirit
10035717 Weapon Change
12965762 Wicked Plant Token
75946257 Witch Doctor of Chaos
57319935 Xyz Fierce Battle!!
16268841 Zolga
47693640 Zombie Tiger


Anonymous said...

Thanks Persival18 =D

Madolche Seigmita said...

Thx percy :) you are the best! be sure that you make a lot of people happy xD

Anonymous said...

thanks percy

Anonymous said...

Percival if you are going to use my cards,the constellar and the evilswarm ones, (i know you used my cards because that cards have the same problem that the ones i made and upload to mediafire, the problem is in the border of the names) thanks me.Also use the tcg images that are better than the ocg ones. I will continue changing some cards to the tcg version anyways.

Anonymous said...

where is the update only?

K3y said...

Thank you, you deserve a rest. Literally does the work alone and without gaining anything in return. Thanks again and keep well.
See you later.

Anonymous said...

nice new update ^^

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Percy, is there any way to change the font color of spectator chat? With the background I am using it is almost impossible to see what spectators are saying. Thanks.

Percival18 said...

Ok who should I give credit to?

Bruno Joseph said...

Spellbook! COOL!

Hey Percy, you have the original .EXE like the last version? I need to fix my low FPS. I changed my D3D to 1 but i need too of this exe.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the new version Percy ^^
How can I change the fonts of the game? I've replaced with other fonts, but then the game crashes...
And why I can't comment with firefox anymore? I publish my comment but nothing happens.
Sorry my bad english.

The Pope said...

So Percy, I'm curious; is that "Dawn of a New Era" version a copy of your changes? Or are you both just adding images to Fluorohydride's basic scripting?

Because the KC version has a server, and while I find their splash screen and lobby and etc. to be atrociously laggy and awful, you really need a server for people to play on to make this mainstream.

The Pope said...

I think Percy approves each comment manually, so as to stop spam.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, percival for the update.

Also, for Bull Blader, i thought it was a mandatory effect because it doesn't say, "You can", but i keep seeing "YES" and "NO" option appearing.

lol, i feel so bad for the new cards 'cause i want to try them but can't seem to fit all of them into my deck.

Anonymous said...

When we'll have Bahamut Shark?

A said...

How to update 102A to B ?

Anonymous said...

why i still low FPS?.

Anonymous said...

Dont you think that Percy does enough, besides servers are big things that needs money and funding, it's a great idea but seriously you should at least try and find a group of people or whatever to start a server Percy does enough and we don't want him to get fed up of all these requests.

Anonymous said...

There is no mermails monsters

xyzzone said...

thank you for your update. percival18

JOKO said...

how to install update version??

Anonymous said...

Percival18 i know you will read this so i just wanted to say thank you for being so fast with releasing this version i really appreciate it that you are doing this for us and i can imagine how much time and effort you put in it so that we can play it. Thank you and i just want you to know that i really love it what you are doing.

Anonymous said...

102b.1 is out

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the usual good work Percy. Btw, it looks like this version doesn't work with the Chinese server, or is it just me?

Anonymous said...

the mermails monsters are here!!

AkiyoSSJ said...

Same cards graphic from 1.02A.0 ... needs to be the 1.029.0 graphic.

sayid-kaiba said...

thanks for the update, but the FH Chinese server says 102b1 is needed to play not 102b0 ??

Unknown said...

Thanks Percy for new ver.
But I have a prob.Low FPS.I Copyed file in folder root.But Its still low fps.
So I used original file exe.FPS isnt low, but I cant join any host by this new exe.
Have a notification :" connection is lost" or something is
Can help me fix bug?

Anonymous said...

i still have low fps?

The Pope said...

Frankly, I don't even know how someone would go about hosting a big server for people to play this on. You can't do Gameservers or something like that, because that's game specific. Do you just rent out a site? I mean, DN can hold like 5000 or something people. Just how would we manage to hold up a server like that?

If you have any ideas, please, let us know.

Anonymous said...

This is great !
Thank you Percy
You 're the best

felipeROx said...

What's new on 102b.1? '-'

Anonymous said...

with what programm u edit the card data base?

YuGiOhMoDDeR said...

only bug fixes...mostly in database :)

Anonymous said...

anyone else having a bug when closing the program... my decks aren't being saved as a result.

Anonymous said...

Waiting for the update only links.. :)

Anonymous said...

Low fps and fonts with bugs... please fixed.

Anonymous said...

thanks for all your efforts
is there a way to know all the newly added cards in this version??

Anonymous said...

There's an image in textures folder named "field.png", whts tht for?

Percival18 said...

Look at the "New cards since 1.02A.0" part..

Anonymous said...

thank you, it seems i didn't see, sorry to bother

Anonymous said...

hello percy, why i cant host and join a duel in dawn of new era? i have the 1.20b.1 please help me.

Anonymous said...

I made a new 7zip file with your pics and thumbails just like the one you check before but this new one has ALL evilswarm and constellar (the xyz too) corrected the problem with the border of the names.
Also has changed the names of geargia accel and geargianto X to geargiaaccelerator and gear giant X.
Also i create a shadow of the six samurai - shien and rope of life cards; also i changed the name of all ooparts (xyz too) to chronomaly and some magical to phropecy.
After all of that i continue changing the artwork of some ocg cards to tcg ones using the tag force games.

Please check it out

pd: you can easily see all the changes by changing your "pics" folder and use the downloaded one (thumnails is inside) and open ygopro.exe

Anonymous said...

I made a new 7zip file with your pics and thumbails just like the one you check before but this new one has ALL evilswarm and constellar (the xyz too) corrected the problem with the border of the names.
Also has changed the names of geargia accel and geargianto X to geargiaaccelerator and gear giant X.
Also i create a shadow of the six samurai - shien and rope of life cards; also i changed the name of all ooparts (xyz too) to chronomaly and some magical to phropecy.
After all of that i continue changing the artwork of some ocg cards to tcg ones using the tag force games.

Please check it out

pd: you can easily see all the changes by changing your "pics" folder and use the downloaded one (thumnails is inside) and open ygopro.exe

Luizao said...


Still no Patrician of Darkness :_(

Anonymous said...

I still have low fps on this version.

Anonymous said...


after formatting and installing new windows

this image appears every time i want to open the game

Anonymous said...

1.02B.0 works fine, but when I update to 1.02B.1, the exe crashes upon startup. Anyone else having this issue?

Anonymous said...

1.02B.0 is low FPS but 1.02B.1 is lower than 1.02B.0

Serivime said...

i have same problem, please help Percy

felipeROx said...

I'm wondering that too .-.

Anonymous said...

hi Perci
the new update 102b.1 have lots of crashes like at end of duel it crash after saving game
at end of replay and at efnd of replay

and another thing ....

gagaga magician effect , when activating it game crash

plz help

YuGiOhMoDDeR said...

its field image...if u delete it , field became all white n ugly...u can try it..n also it gives u option to use ur own field image :)

Infinite Aura said...

Perci please do a Fix for the .1 new version! it crashes at every end of duel, Also my antivirus dectect it as a Trojan ._.
P.S. the game crashes while using Morphing Jar OR\AND Battle Fader!

Unknown said...

god job 1.02B but 1.02B.1 has many errors. hope you can resolve them quickly

Anonymous said...

program sux every update.... =[

Hamon's Servant said...


Anonymous said...

I got the same problem. Fix it Percy, please.

sketch21 said...

ok i tested it for my self and the game does crash after replay save. but i doubt percy can do anything about this. will have to wait for next update or sumthing

Anonymous said...

the game crash after duel, and many other crash in game T_T

sayid-kaiba said...

I am sure that 102b1 update has some errors that cause crashed

felipeROx said...

Here is crashing every time I end a Duel or end a replay, but I have a question, now every card is compatible FH-YGOPro server? >_>

YuGiOhMoDDeR said...

thts why is always better to use original version..:)

Anonymous said...

allways crashed -_-

Anonymous said...

btw is heraldic aberconway and falcon exixt in this version???

sketch21 said...

original version never open for me

sketch21 said...

use the files in the "_alternate _ executable" folder in the game directy and the game wont crash.
enjoy your day

YuGiOhMoDDeR said...

no, i dont think so..original game has no crashin issues, n its FPS is descent (i have shitty pc),,it maybe the way .exe is compiled by percy, since he changed source code

Anonymous said...

crash crash crash
i got pissed off

Anonymous said...

Thanks you percy for this, you do a good job, but can you add the following cards:

Number 22: Fran Ken
Black Feather - Damascus the Polar Night
Thunder Seahorse
Mighty Warrior
Number 69: God Medallion, Coat of Arms
Number 88: Gimmick Puppet- Destiny Leo
Flaming Star Lord- Chouraio
Photon Satellite
Galaxy Knight
Galaxy Expedition
Flaming Star Master - Chouten
Bahamut Shark
OTo Thunder
OKa Thunder
ONe Thunder
Number 91: Thunder Spark Dragon
Spirit Converter Device
Mono Synchron
Steam Synchron

By these are their japanense names

YuGiOhMoDDeR said...

weird...i use original n japanese version, with english database, n it works probs at all

Percival18 said...

To be honest I have no idea if all cards are compatible or not.
I don't have time to play yugioh anymore, let alone test every card on the chinese server.

So if anyone encounters any card errors, please report it. Thanks!

The Pope said...

First of all, this is Fluorohydride's jurisdiction, not Percy's.

Second, none of these cards have been released. Only released cards are put into YGOPro, since they need their Card Number, which is unknown until the card is released.

Percival18 said...

I updated the file now. Please redownload.

Sorry for the trouble!

Anonymous said...

may it be possible to place riding duel mode in the game?

The Pope said...

...You're kidding, right?

Hugo365 said...

Perci does the alternate exe works with 102.B.1?
I can't open the game with the normal exe, i tried the alternate exe but it still say its 102.B not 102.B.1

Ryderjj89 said...

Percy, I don't know why you crossed out instructions on how to use the FH YGOPro client in your tutorial on how to duel on the chinese server without Hamachi. It still works perfectly fine.

I just had to change the server addresses and put in my username and pass in the login.conf file.

I've been dueling on the chinese server with 102b.1 for like 2 hours now.

Percival18 said...

Nice I will update that tutorial soon

Anonymous said...

There's No Victory Dragon.

rock eyes steel lizard said...

percy, please give me a link to download 1.20b.0 version, i want to update to newest version, but my recent version is 1.20A.0, please give me a link for the missing link to go to the newest version :(

AkiyoSSJ said...

Now need Joey's last card Graverobber (I don't think is sure the last Joey's card) and Des Volgstalph.

Anonymous said...

can you use script writer program does do you use in 1.028/1.029 version?

Anonymous said...

add these cards please :-)

Giant Axe Mummy
Wandering Mummy
Royal Keeper

YuGiOhMoDDeR said...

can u be more specific wht u mean??

husby said...

Hi Percy the alternate executable for 1.02B.0 worked perfectly however since you posted an update to upgrade to 1.02b1 everyone on my network is now using it, so I am asking can you please make an alternate executable for the update "1.02b.1" as well for slow FPS.

Percival18 said...

Sure I will build the alternate version tonight

husby said...

Thank you very much.

husby said...

Check back he will make one for 102.B.1

Karox said...

Percy can you add Time lords

Anonymous said...

I know that Percy is not the one responsible for add cards, but I don't know how to send this list to Fluorohydride, so there is it.. If someone can send the list to Fluorohydride, I would appreciate.
Some missing cards from Legend of Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Metal Raiders and Dark Beginning 1 and 2:

Two-Pronged Attack
Gravedigger Ghoul
Silver Bow and Arrow
Ring of Magnetism
Electric Lizard
Block Attack
Steel Scorpion
Penguin Knight
Electric Snake
Tailor of the Fickle
Karate Man
Parasite Paracide
Enchanted Javelin
Mirror Wall
Numinous Healer
Blast Juggler
Attack and Receive
Monster Recovery
Infinite Dismissal
Type Zero Magic Crusher
Shadow of Eyes
The Legendary Fisherman
Sword Hunter
Drill bug
Deepsea Warrior
Bombardment Beetle
Nuvia the Wicked
Chosen One
Mask of Dispel
Return of the Doomed
Hysteric Fairy
Dark Spirit of the Silent
Riryoku Field
Graverobber's Retribution
Destruction Punch
The Emperor's Holiday
Jirai Gumo
Shadow Ghoul
The Immortal of Thunder
Block Attack
Dark-Piercing Light
The Wicked Worm Beast
Total Defense Shogun
Insect Queen
Winged Minion
Skull Knight #2
Twin-Headed Wolf
The Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler
Soul Demolition
Double Snare
Dragon Manipulator
Array of Revealing Light
Gray Wing
Dragon's Gunfire
Patrician of Darkness
Thunder Nyan Nyan
Woodland Sprite
After The Struggle
Magic Reflector
Bubble Crash
Last Turn
Mucus Yolk
Gora Turtle
Royal Keeper
Wandering Mummy
Giant Axe Mummy
Secret Pass to the Treasures
Tutan Mask
Pharaoh's Treasure

Ryderjj89 said...

Getting authentication failure from the FH-YGOPro client. Registration says username and email already exist and I know my password is right.

So...maybe it isn't quite as reliable. Wish I could just start up a server heh.

Percival18 said...

The alternate exe has been uploaded. Thank you for your patience.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Time Lords is exclusive from series TAG FORCES ¬¬

Metalion is only released.

Anonymous said...

you are doing a great job but u'll put only the officiel cards or u'll put the anime cards too ?

Hugo365 said...

thanks for the alternate exe for 1.02.B.1 works great now, keep up the good work perci

Leo said...

This version is too slow o/

husby said...

And thanks once again for your hard work and determination.

K3y said...

Hello Percy, I was looking at some charts and noticed that the monsters "Clear" are not in the game. If you can, add them in the next update.

If you do not know which treat, here's an example:

Thank you.

Edgard L² said...

Spansih : Hola amigo , antetodo .. muy buen trabajo ! , esta genial .. pero quisiera saber si hay alguna manera que pusieras una actualizacion de la 1.0.2A a la 1.02B.0 ( para no descargarme 190 megabits )ya que solo veo la de "1.02B.0 to 1.02B.1" . Gracias Buen dia

English: Hello friend, first of all .. good job! This great .. but I wonder if there is any way that you might set an update of the 1.02B.0 to the 1.0.2A ( only see the full version) because I see only the "1.02B.0 to 1.02B.1". Thank you , Good day

Anonymous said...

i got a question for a Elemental HERO Divine Neos. Why does it have an alternative name ability when it doesn't say it in its effect?

Anonymous said...

Great work as always!
btw, Spellbook Goethe have wrong effect text :D

Ryderjj89 said...

Hmm, before this version, Old Vindictive Magician's effect would work properly. However, since the 1.02b update, it's stopped working. It's a mandatory effect to destroy a monster on the opponent's side of the field. No longer activates. Going to also report this on Fluorohydride's GitHub.

Anonymous said...

Please Add Des Volstgalph

Anonymous said...

Pumpking the King of Ghosts
Sword Hunter

Anonymous said...

Pyro Clock of Destiny

Anonymous said...


i have problem with mermail abyssgunde. when i summon abysspike and use it effect to discard abyssgunde, it doesnt have its effect activated. as i know, it will not miss timing as the card say "if this card is sent to the graveyard" not "when this card is sent to the graveyard". am i wrong?

Anonymous said...

Please fix Swap frog and By order of the Emperor cards, their effects can't be active ....

TerminusEst said...

Junk Defender's effect is permanent, but it's ending on the End Phase. Please, fix this.

Victor Martins said...

My friend is trying to play but he can't. he gets the error "0x000001d". he uses windows xp 32 bit. can someone help?

Anonymous said...

veiler and man eater bug There are no data enabling its effects and battle phase at certain times are taking longer than it should this Upgradeability b.1 honestly worse than what it is most helpful to a penalty B.0 was perfect = /

YuGiOhMoDDeR said...

can u post screenshot of error ur friend has??

Anonymous said...

flip over a monster does not vindictive old is working too, that not every drug that passes version has more error than this solution is not a criticism is not a touch up Meche in this winning team that focus on remediation of bugs and not 'modes and replays etc presem variety of quality before ^ ^ thank you for the work you guys only think of improving his own program to not end up being a step higher than the last leg for the work required of you and I await the next version porq this b .0 not the XD

husby said...


husby said...

That card wasn't released, therefore it wont be added.

Anonymous said...

Hey percy, can you fix please the effect of Old Vindictive Magician

And please more Photon and Meklord cards!

Anonymous said...
Hope you can add these..thank you very much

Anonymous said...

found bug : effect viler Apparently it does not work

pls check

sketch21 said...

worked for me

xandre said...

Percial thanks a lot for doing this great job.
But I was thinking, I could tell that will be invoked when a monster game with a video iniciase form fosseadicionado type appears very quickly when it invokes the image of the monster more instead he executase video video there could be the invocation of the monsto, man that would be very exciting, I'm not asking so I'm wondering if the most would be really cool if it goes.

Anonymous said...

can u add please this card

sketch21 said...

percy does not add cards to the came get that through your heads ppl

Anonymous said...

i do not why but i download the last update
i mean this
Alternate 1.02B.1 executable. Only use this if you have low framerate!

and still doesn't work ):

Anonymous said...

Where are the new cards cant see them in the update...

Anonymous said...

oh no, i think tcg made a mistake with that 'cause in ocg, it's only until the End Phase. they also made that same mistake with No. 7 Lucky Straight.

anbro93 said...

Even after using alternate executable I stiil get low framerate, any idea?

YuGiOhMoDDeR said...

yes , get it people...percy only do copy/paste xD

draskozli said...

thanks for the update! :D

Anonymous said...

percy fix please the effect of this cards

Forbidden Chalice
Old vindictive magician

Anonymous said...

Effect veiler is not working! please fix it!

Anonymous said...

Victory Dragon

Anonymous said...

I know someone also brought this up, but after I "upgrade" from 1.02B.0 to 1.02B.1; the .exe crashes when it starts.

I'm using Vista 64 bit

1.02B.0 worked perfectly fine though.

P.S: I also tried die alternate .exe, still crashing.

Would be awesome if someone came up with a solution... I don't want to cease dueling until the next update.

Kyosuke said...

I can't solve the Duel Puzzle no 8. I already add Foolish Burial into the puzzle when i look into the YGO wikia, but still can't solve it.

Anonymous said...

my friend doesn't get the error anymore, but he gets very low framerate (FPS 3,4), and he's using the alternate version D: how to fix it?

Yugi Player said...

Percy, please fix the bug of Blackwing Kochi the daybreak. Its effect is can't synchro when it special summon, but I special summon it by Blackwing Shula the blue flame. So its effect must negated and it can synchro summon, but now it can't even Blackwing Vayu the emblem of honor can synchro. So please fix this bug. Finally please add Blackwing Damacus the polar night too. Thank you Percy!! :)

Anonymous said...

"Grave of the Super Ancient Organism" didn't work on "Blackwing Armed Wing" (there was nothing influencing its level neither the trap card's effectiveness).

Yugi Player said...

I'm wrong Blackwing Kochi the daybreak doesn't a effect monster. So It can't synchro when special summon by Shura.
However please add Blackwing Damacus the polar night,Thanks.

echo said... how to fix it?

Anonymous said...

Heroic Champion Gandiva can activate its effect more than once per turn when it's not supposed to.

Anonymous said...

pearcy pls make the a white shrift for spectator, cause when they write its black and we dont see anything

Anonymous said...

Many crashes in this update...Most of the time when i close ygopro also, i've low frame and the "alternate executable" doesnt resolve the problem.

And two cards need to be fixed cuz they dont work at all :

Rescue Warrior and Silvery Snow Sniper

Anyway, thx for your work.

Anonymous said...

What i actually meant was i've crashes when i end a duel.

And my misreading, Rescue Warrior works ^^.

Anonymous said...

forbidden chalice is not working! fix it pls

Anonymous said...

fix please the effect of Peten the dark clown


CA said...

Can you Add Cyber Angel Dakini , Cyber Angel Idaten , Cyber Angel Benten , Ritual Sanctuary , Prima Light , Machine Angel Ritual, Allegro Toile and Doble Passé. Thnks ;)

Anonymous said...

please fix the effect of void trap hole! thx

Anonymous said...

Percy btw!!! can u make a new mode, like 1 vs 2, it will be fun testing your power vs 2 players)

Anonymous said...

Duel Puzzle No. 8? The one with watts?
You added Foolish Burial?
Is not Foolish Burial its a set Foolish Revival.

joamm said...

Hey I found bug in this version.

monster name " Volcanic Doomfire " 's effect is unable " any opponent's attack position monster will attack its " ,but in game that isn't attack.

sorry for weak English.