Monday, October 29, 2012

YGOPro 1.02E.1 AE


Full version (31 October 2012)
Mirror 1: Archive (use 7-zip or WinRAR to extract)
Mirror 2: Archive (use 7-zip or WinRAR to extract)

Update only from 1.02D.0 AE to 1.02E.1 AE
Mirror 1: Archive (use 7-zip or WinRAR to extract)
Mirror 2: Archive (use 7-zip or WinRAR to extract)

Alternate exe for 1.02E.1 (only use this if you have trouble with the normal version)
Archive (use 7-zip or WinRAR to extract)


 -- Update 31 October 2012 --

Fixed Orichalcos card errors. If you have already downloaded 1.02E.1 then please download the update only file (or redownload the full archive if you prefer).


Changes in this version

Based on build 1.02E.1 by Fluorohydride (
  • 6107 cards total
  • New cards
    • Anime cards by 馬骨
    • The Seal of Orichalcos
  • Thunder Seahorse and Mighty Warrior card id's corrected
  • New music
  • Some random halloween background ;)


Official YGOPro programmer: Fluorohydride

YGOPro mod (音效版) and servers: Percival18

Anime cards made by 馬骨
YGOPro ( ADS ) 1.02D.0 繁體中文版 AE (10/25)

Server provided by FH-YGOPRO
-FH- 线上游戏王团体总部

ygoDuelServer by yuyufeng

New cards since 1.02D.0 AE:


1 – 200 of 338   Newer›   Newest»
Anonymous said...

Welcome back! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot :)

Unknown said...

well come to back thanks for new version

Nutkun7993 said...

Welcome back. have a good trip?

Senoue said...

We get Speed Duels now? Are there speed counters?

AccessDenied said...

More anime cards (*facedesk*) Thank you for the update.

Unknown said...

Welcome Back Man
PLz Upload Update Only Files Or Upload On Letitbit Plz Perci Cuz Hotfile Is Stupid
Thx In ADvance.

Roschach said...

Welcome back, Master! :)

FAD! said...

All those Speed Spells...

Hey, Percy, any chance of you working together with one of the other YGOPro teams?

The Pope said...

Um, Percy? The audio isn't working. At all.

I can play files outside of the program fine, but no audio comes out of it.

Also for some reason the .exe icon doesn't show up on my list of open appliances; it just shows the blank .exe image.

The Pope said...

Oh wait, nevermind, the "Enable Sound Effects" option was disabled by default...for some reason.

...Yeah, I'd change that.

Anonymous said...

No cozmo blazer card *walks out* thks ant for ur hard wwork

Anonymous said...

It would be awesome if you collaborated with Devpro, friendly people who give you credit and have a bunch of programers with good servers.

Percival18 said...

Oh wait, nevermind, the "Enable Sound Effects" option was disabled by default...for some reason.

Ah sorry about that. I forgot to change the settings back to default.

Red said...

Is Infernity zero in this pack?? the card allows you to be alive at 0 life points?

Percival18 said...

Is Infernity zero in this pack?? the card allows you to be alive at 0 life points?


The Pope said...

Is there a way to make it so that Settings like those are saved between games? I'd like to disable Auto Chain Order on a personal preference, but every time I do so, it resets when I start the game up again.

Also, whenever someone ragequits, you're not brought back to the main menu; the screen just freezes until you try to type something to them. Not sure if this is a problem on your end or Fluorohydride's.

And the frame rate's a bit choppy at times. Again, unsure who's in charge of that one.

the mysterio ridha said...

Welcome back :)

Hugo365 said...

hello percy welcome back.
well i know i bother you with this in every new release sorry but my pc is crap, could you make the alternate exe for me and those who have trouble, if you say no i will totally understand it.
and again sorry to bother.

Percival18 said...

Hi Hugo,

No problem, I am already working on it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is there a reason McAfee is warning me about a trojan when I click on self-extractor?

Anonymous said...

sure there is a reason, McFee sucks :)

Anonymous said...

Thaks Percy! Will you fix the fullscreen mode? I'd like to play in fullscreen, but the cards looks very bad :(
Sorry my bad english.

Hugo365 said...

thanks a lot Perci i really aprecciate your work.
And how does the turbo duel works it's like in the world championship series for nds?

Anonymous said...

jeehaa! thanks Percy!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Percy, where is TDOANE server?! I don't understand what Chinese say in TAG duels!

Anonymous said...

can u please add more of the missing released cards like :

Constellar Sombres
Multiple Piece Golem

and many others
i think they are more important
then anime cards
and thanck u

AccessDenied said...

can u please add more of the missing released cards like :

Constellar Sombres
Multiple Piece Golem

and many others
i think they are more important
then anime cards
and thanck u

Multiple Piece Golem is in there. Constellar Sombres information needs to be released completely, before it can be added, this is not DN, we need all the information. Specifically the 8 digit number at the bottom.

Red said...

huh eh i only see china server eh how can i find a room i can play in??

AkiyoSSJ said...

Nice, thanks and welcome back Percy ^^ and umm.. what is with xyz backgrounds? Is more gray than black xD.

Red said...

percy can you get back fdone server omegahawk lags so much for me T_T.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Percy for the release. Percy u go to release the update from 1.02D.0 AE to 1.02E.1 AE?

Anonymous said...

Im waiting for the day when all the Anime Orichalcos cards are in...and not missing some like Malevolence and Orichalcos Gigas

Anonymous said...

percy can u give update verion only, not full version

thnx u man :)

Anonymous said...


The Pope said...

So yeah, Percy, on the matter of saving settings and being booted to the menu automatically after a ragequit, are those your territory or Fluorohydride's? If it's the latter, then I'll go ask him about it, then.

Roschach said...

I saw that the Monster Reborn is buggy.If I activate it then I lost connect from my partner.

ben-ygopro2 said...

DevPro Launcher 2.5.0 New Features
- Auto Login
- works with 1.02e1

Download Launcher

For Install: Copy DevPro.exe in YgoPro 1.02e1 folder and start the DevPro.exe Than Regist -> Login -> play..

I will not spamm here only this Comment for DevPro with 1.02e1. Hope that is ok for you Percyval18 ;)

The Pope said...

Oh my god stop spamming your advertisements.

Anonymous said...

he didnt spam it pope and he did say this was the only time he was doing it for this version so calm down

Anonymous said...

and why dont the speed world cards and the two layers of the seal in anime mode NOT WORK??

Anonymous said...

for the riding duel, u need have the field spell speed world 2 in ur deck and ur opponent need too.

Anonymous said...

Can you put a mirror link for download? My download is always stuck at 1 second when I use hotfire.

Gilberto Araujo said...

Good percy... Thankss!!! *-*
but I would like to report an error, Fortune Lady Light can activate its effect when it is removed face-down as well, but is not activating ... would like to correct? ... Ty! ^ ^

Anonymous said...

TODNE Server is not Supporting this version yet

FoRzaShEvA7 said...

Thank you so much!!

Unknown said...

where is the link for "update only"??

Anonymous said...

Sorry to trouble you, Percy, but there might either be an issue with the card text, or the effects, of the Chaos Xyz Monsters.

In the card text, it says that in order to gain their main effects, they must be ranked up from a specific monster. However, each of their effects activate when rank'd up from a random monster. To be honest, I rather it this way, as the Chaos Xyz's effects aren't that high-end that they'd be worth the excess amount of trouble. Still though, I thought someone should mention this.

Also, pardon me for asking, but without the asset of giving Plasma invulnerability to card effects in general, what is the use of D-Force? I feel there must be some besides D-Boost, but I can't really see any. Sorry.

Also, it was good to see the addition of LV support cards, as well as Different Dimension Hangar. They're all working brilliantly, I must say, and I must admit to being a bit surprised to see them as they weren't major Anime Cards (each one really only appearing for a single duel each).

Otherwise, this update is brilliant thus far. Bit confused as to how the turbo duels will work as I'm yet to have one, but if Speed World 2 activates itself from your deck at the start of the duel, there will definetly be no problems.

IcePhoenix (aka Giri) said...

lol percy, if you don't do this. No one will xD. Thanks

Percival18 said...

For a turbo duel both players need to have speed world in the deck. It will automatically activate at the start.

Anonymous said...

I return after having checked out Turbo Duelling. A grade job, my friend. Unfortunately, there's a bug in Speed Spell - Vision Wind, in which you can target non-monsters, and even if you do target monsters, they are simply not summoned. There are probably some issues with other speed spells, but I can only be bothered checking the one, sorry.

Anonymous said...

I need the alternate exe too because i have framerate troubles. Please upload it Percy.

Hugo365 said...

@Anonymous at least you can run the game but with my crap pc i can't even run it don't know why, give perci some time if he said he will do it i'm sure he will just be patient

Unknown said...

please i want to know how i make server and can you give me your email to chat with you or if you have skype tell me for him if you want you are free ok ? ^_^

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

whats up bout replay, i found some bug at replay, mostly when opponent or i use orichalcos, please fix, thank u percy

DaWi said...

Any MF reupload, those link Above so slow, I can't even pass 5% with IDM, it keep error.

Anonymous said...

there's a MF link to download this file.
just go to
you can find the link in the 36th page

Anonymous said...

A lot of these are just The Pope complaining... everything is fine, it's just the mac computer he's using

Unknown said...

can you tell me how i make server or i must tell you to make to me server ?

Janis said...


Anonymous said...

Um, sorry for the link Perci, but I couldn't figure out how else to give you a replay. It's really just a replay of when I was testing the Orichalcos cards. No issues with the base level if Duetros and Tritos aren't in the deck, but... well, it's listed in the description.

DaWi said...

Any reup in MF plz, other MF has been Limited due to Splitted Archive Limit.

aLca said...

Seal of Orichalcos can not activated, its always "set" . why ? its bug ?

Anonymous said...

ya the 2nd layer and 3rd layer of the seal needs to be fixed as they cannot be activated

Anonymous said...

Hello! Great job with these anime cards! I do have one request however - Anime version of Winged Dragon of Ra. It's clear that his anime effect is based off the video game effect. However, he seems to be missing two effectts. 1: The normal summon cannot be negated. 2: Nothing can be activated in response to the normal summon. Not only do most of his video game effects include those effects, but the legal and video game effects of Slifer and Obelisk also include those effects. Could you add them as well? So I won't have to worry about Solemn Judgment or Torrential Tribute? Lol

The Pope said...

A lot of these are just The Pope complaining... everything is fine, it's just the mac computer he's using

a) Shut the hell up. Pointing out errors and "complaining" aren't the same thing. If I was "complaining", I wouldn't be grateful for the work that's been done, which I am.

b) "A lot of these"? Are you that numbnuts over from Pojo who's trying to defend whoever's spamming the DevPro ads? Because if you are, just go look on the comments on the last blog post to see what I'm talking about.

c) I'm not using a Mac. No idea where you came up with that.

Anonymous said...

hi , one question dont have de SPANISH VERSION ???

Tea82 said...

Yes!! Finally an another amazing update by Percival18 and Fluorohydride!! Also I noticed that this update has more Alternate Cards.

anonym said...

where is the link for "update only"??

Anonymous said...

Percy I would ask if the next YGOpro you can insert Junk cards and Blackwing of anime, manga and Tag Force, because they are missing.
However the idea of turbo duels is great but be careful because speed cards there are those cards which were limited, and bans semi-limited by Konami.

Anonymous said...

as far as Speed World deck go...there should be a special mode them called speed we dont get confuse on which duelist dont have speed world in their decks and which one do.

Anonymous said...

Percy,the alternate exe please.

Hirako said...

Welcome back Percy!!! u r my hero :)

Anonymous said...

Percy, I have a big problem, some friends of mine have downloaded version that you put and retrieved properly.
But when that famo a turbo duel, by mistake, immediately removing our Speed World 2, if you can tell me how we can solve this problem. Please help me.

Anonymous said...

I have a suggestion. Add to program the Traditional Format.

al_link said...

Hey I need alternate .exe of this game, I have problem with frame rate... help please

Anonymous said...

the seal of Orichalcus is bugged , gives script errors in the beginning of the duel , and can't be activated it can only be set ..

eDuDe said...

hey umm any chance u added the zexal weapons the new ones and the heraldic beasts

Anonymous said...

TDOANE Server still missing?

Unknown said...

hi percy , nice work but there is a lot of bugs -,-

1- Seal of Orichalcos give ( script error ) and cant be activated
2- Spell world go outside the game
and cant activate any spell or activate spell world eff

Anonymous said...

lol, you have chaos xyz, but you don't have the original cards to make the chaos xyz use their effects. also, isn't engeneral's original already anime? i understand the reasons for hot-blooded cards. they're not released yet, so no card number also poor quality images.

Anonymous said...

there's no update only link???

Hugo365 said...

for the people asking for the update only perci usally uploads it after 2 or 3 days of the full version.

Anonymous said...

please fix replay game percy, thank u

Anonymous said...

Hey percival is the TDOANE server back yet? Or are you still bullshitting?

Anonymous said...

Hey, not sure if someones brought this up yet but Skill Drain wasn't letting me activate my effects. (Note: I know it negates them, but it wasn't allowing me to activate and just pay the cost.)

Anonymous said...

Hey Percy, you might wanna check the card number for the Seal of Orichalcos in the database. You lifted yours from the Wikia, which is for some reason not correct. This doesn't match the number in the script, so nobody can activate it.

Unknown said...

percival18 hello my nick is sliferdragodeicieli. I wanted to ask if you could add my site in your forum YGOPRO FAQ., Representing Italy. Thank you in advance for your answer. the site is forum.

ben-ygopro2 said...

Add in string.conf
!counter 0x91 Speedcounter

Anonymous said...

Swap frog bug. When i active its effect of return in the hand, if i re-summon swap i cant active the effect of return in the hand

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of bugs. Needs a fix ASAP

Anonymous said...

There are a lot of bugs. Needs a fix ASAP

Percival18 said...

Thanks benjamin

Anonymous said...

While no "summon" sound?
Destiny leo doesnt look like the other xyz. Constellar and Evilswarm non-xyz have wrong names, WHY AGAIN?

Anonymous said...

ah, photon knight paradios doesnt look like the other xyz. Fix that images

Unknown said...

thank you very much percy if I can help you with ygopro.

Hugo365 said...

Hi Perci it's me again, i really want to play this version of the game because of the turbo duels, but i can't because of my crappy pc, so i was wondering. when will the alternate will be ready?.
sorry for my bad english its not my natal language.

Anonymous said...

Percy for my needs, but I would ask you to implement well the turbo Duels, because many people gives script error every time because the card is removed from the deck and placed in Field.
So to avoid problems you can't put it in that mode as if you'd prefer to make a Single duel, Match or Tags.
I say this in order to avoid major problems and then to the anime or video game is a separate mode than a duel from the ground.

Unknown said...

Dear Percy. please fix the QB006 puzzle, it contain an script error, the blank card is " Null and Void"....

Anonymous said...

Percy please put the new xyz the Japanese version has ads that now puts 6108 please, sorry my english.

Anonymous said...

Percy, the new xyz is a chaos xyz put please.

Piconoe said...

I was told to send anime card bugs to you, so here are some I've discovered:

- Vision HERO Multiply Guy works backwards
- Vision Fusion's card text states graveyard, but it banishes them
- Chronomoly Sol Monolith does not activate when he is summoned
- Fossil Fusion can summon Skullknight off a level 4 from my grave (Vision HERO Vyon)
- Metaion still returns to the deck when Ain Soph Ohr is out
- Despite saying "Xyz Summon" on the card, when the summoned Exceed dies, it cannot be revived with Xyz Reborn

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I need the alternate exe Percy

Anonymous said...

the shitty servers still don't work

AkiyoSSJ said...

Dark tuners or dark synchros don't work.. trying to summon Frozen Fitzgerald with Dark tunner Dark Goddess Witaka and nothing.

Percival18 said...

Dark tuners or dark synchros don't work.. trying to summon Frozen Fitzgerald with Dark tunner Dark Goddess Witaka and nothing.

Please describe how are you trying to summon the dark synchro in detail.
-Which card are you trying to summon
-Which cards are on the field
-What was activated before

AkiyoSSJ said...

Well only at Dark Goddess Witaka don't work with other dark tuners works with no problem. Tried to summon Frozen Fitzgerald with Stardust Dragon or Galaxy-Eyes 8-3(DG Witaka)=5 and nothing.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
AkiyoSSJ said...

Lol Anonymous shut up :| and.. die! Percy is a legend for us..

ben-ygopro2 said...

Anonymous said...

That is the wrong way however it was..
stop it pls!

Thx for thanking Percy, be sure the Anonymous is not a DevPro Programmer..
and not in our interest!

YgoPro and DevPro go Hand in Hand ;)

Unknown said...

Not sure what that users issue is, but not from devpro.

Unknown said...

The Seal of Oricalcos' proper number and effect.

Hugo365 said...

nice work perci thank you for the alternate exe my game works just fine now, one thing i notices when first triying to use it was that it was missing the dll's that old versions have, the game give me error so i copy the dll's from 2.d version and now its just fine. don't know if i did something wrong when coping it.

Anonymous said...

AkiyoSSJ said...

Well only at Dark Goddess Witaka don't work with other dark tuners works with no problem. Tried to summon Frozen Fitzgerald with Stardust Dragon or Galaxy-Eyes 8-3(DG Witaka)=5 and nothing.

Not a glitch, you're doing it backwards. It needs to equal -5, so you'll need to use Witaka's level-changing effect.

dafuq said...

i'm using alternate exe, but i got error message "the procedure entry point bla bla bla could not be located in the dynamic link library irrklang.dll"

somebody help me pls

Hugo365 said...

Hey Perci if this help i uploaded the alternate exe with the dll's and its working for me here's the link to download it:

Anonymous said...

request: put slushy in the next update. i appreciate everything u did ;)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Problem with Vicious Claw's effect again. I used Number 12 to attack my opponent's E-HERO Ocean equipped with Vicious Claw. Ocean got sent to the Graveyard, Vicious Claw went back to the hand, and the Token was Summoned to my field. The equipped monster was supposed to stay alive.

For Bull Blader, its effect didn't activate I battled with it.

Anonymous said...

hi percy...thanks for this YGOPRO 12E...
can i request? please add duel vs cpu at single mode on the next version... thanks

xyzzone said...

me too . thank you percy . can you separate anime server(anime/turbo) to anime server and turbo duel server ? this more easy to us to duel.

Anonymous said...

AkiyoSSJ said...

Well only at Dark Goddess Witaka don't work with other dark tuners works with no problem. Tried to summon Frozen Fitzgerald with Stardust Dragon or Galaxy-Eyes 8-3(DG Witaka)=5 and nothing.

The formula for dark synchro summoning is x - y = -(z).

x = dark tuner
y = non-tuner monster
z = the negative level dark synchro monster.

The dark tuner's level needs to higher than the non-tuner monster being used as material.

SaMi said...

the update doesn't fix the seal of orichalcos , it made it even worse!lol now I can't even enter a normal duel with the seal in my deck it says "invalid deck" then I used the "don't check deck" feature but now you will never draw the seal or see it in your deck .

Luizao said...

percy its like this, can you input something on Ygopro that shows the new cards because in every version that comes out i have to check all cards all over again it would be great to put them like news first.
Thank You and continue with your're great job
Be Safe

Anonymous said...

Please, add more servers.

Anonymous said...

Percy, i dont know what kind of crack your smoking, but thanks for the whole turbo duel thing man, that shit was sexy in duel accelerator lol.

I would go far to say that speed duels are far more entertaining then regular duels, and seem pretty balanced.

Also, i think there is a new US server..? Delta Hawk lol.

Anonymous said...

Percy or whoever makes the Anime Cars should check every single one of them to make sure they work correctly so as we dont have a a whole mouthful of bugs when said Anime cards are released.

I know its a hard task...but its either make sure they work correctly or dont release them at all.

Percival18 said...

percy its like this, can you input something on Ygopro that shows the new cards because in every version that comes out i have to check all cards all over again it would be great to put them like news first.
Thank You and continue with your're great job
Be Safe

Hey Luizao,
I always put an overview of new cards in the blogpost and readme.txt in the download. Click on the "Show" button in this post to view it.
Thanks and good luck ;)

Anonymous said...

Kuriboh's effect is not working; battle damage is still being taken after discarding.

xyzzone said...

hi,percy . i have question .USA and Europe can create turbo duel room . why FH-YGOpro china server cannot ?

ArmorTiger said...

thx for the update, Percy.. downloading right now :)

I haven't tried the update yet (well, duh.. still downloading :P ), but did you happen to fix some bug on photon cards?

the one that I found in the previous version is that:
>Kuriphoton can discard Photon Sanctuary
>Galaxy Wizard cannot search Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
>also, one time I revived Galaxy Wizard with Galaxy Zero (haven't Normal Summon yet), cannot attempt to Normal Summon Galaxy Knight without Tribute

that's all the bug I currently found in the previous version, then I stop playing photon because of those..

thx b4 :)

brenster21 said...

hi percy i am trying to use the card editor program to write in anime cards from the second YUGIOH show i am having problems writing Armor mosnters because they are classified as a type such as effect monsters or toon could you give me a suggestion or help

i am a novice

Unknown said...

how can i make own server?
i've search for a lot of website but none of them have a tutorial to setup server.

Lyris said...

Problem report to Omega Hawk Server: Your "Speed World 2" script is actually putting the card into the Banished Zone at the start of the duel, which is why the "Speed Spell" cards aren't working. Here's my script, that puts World 2 into the correct zone, which is the Field Spell Zone:

Lyra said...

Actually, I would never claim that script as my own, so here's the source of the fixed "Speed World 2" script:

YamiMario said...

Hey, Percival. Even after downloading the fix, I still cannot search for Orichalcos with Terraforming.

Also, hope you had a good vacation!

YamiMario said...

Ignore the previous comment, it's working fine now.

AkiyoSSJ said...

I think I finished now testing all important things in this new update, except speed duels things. Everything works very good, thanks Percy and also about dark synchro problem with DG Witaka solved, need to activate his effect xD. I hope In the next update will be added the anime card Philsopher Stone Sabatiel is so cool with Winged Kuriboh effect ^^. Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Ghost Fusion and Vision Polymerization banishs, not sends, this is normal ? (Their text says "send")

Red said...

About turbo DUel fix the spell cards. since regular spell cards can't be used. only cards with the Sp word on the spell card can be used.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I want to create a game server.
I would like to ask you to provide teaching information?
Thank you!

Unknown said...

For the guy asking about how to use the yuyufeng server.

These are a bit more detailed and the example gives a copy of D to use.

Anonymous said...

hey, are you going to fix some English texts of cards released in Return of the Duelist? Or, even other cards that had their text changed from new reprints?

Can you also fix the text of "Infestation Wave". The effects works, but the text is weird.


Anonymous said...

how to use that server

NicK475 said...

Translated by Google

Excuse my ignorance, but I also play the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds World Championship 2011 for NDS.

I noticed that the NDS when the card field "Ancient Forest" is active and the cardholder field attacks with a "Gladiator Beast" at the end of "BP", first you can activate the effect of "Gladiator Beast" and then to "Ancient Forest "being active.

But in YGOPro, this only happens if the "Ancient Forest" is not on the same side of the field "Gladiator Beast" Forward.

When both are on the same side of the field, "Ancient Forest" activates its effect first, thus destroying the "Gladiator Beast" before he could activate its effect.

I wonder what's wrong or if it is simply a matter of updating the rule?


Anonymous said...

Hi, "Number 6: Chronomaly Atlandis" has written "Atlando" instead "Atlandis" in the card, if possible, fix, please

Anonymous said...

Why I cant reveal a "Armityle the chaos phantom" with the effect of elemental Hero prisma?????

Baion said...

Percival, could you fix the card text of " Mermail Abysslinde", as I see in wiki, its card text is "If this card on the field..." so that it doesn't get missed timing anymore :D
Thanks in advanced :D

Anonymous said...

Anime Cards

Gimmick Puppet - Nightmare still can't Tribute a non-Xyz monster to Special Summon.

Destiny String doesn't let you stop attacking. It says, "maximum". You're allowed to stop attacking.

Anonymous said...

Swap Frog is in urgent need of a fix; it can no longer be returned to the hand after it is re-summoned.

Anonymous said...

Percy game closes when I click on minimize button. Please fix it

Anonymous said...

Percy game closes when I click on minimize button. Please fix it.

Anonymous said...

Percy game closes when I click on minimize button. Please fix it.

Anonymous said...

Percy game closes when I click on minimize button. Please fix it.

Anonymous said...

I can't special summon ice elemental but i already have exactly 5 water in grave . Hope u fix this :)

TiKey said...

Will the chat be ever fixed?

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
Percy game closes when I click on minimize button. Please fix it."

He won't fix it because you spam.

The Pope said...

Hey Percy, are you still working on getting this to work on Macs?

Percival18 said...

Percy game closes when I click on minimize button. Please fix it.

Minize works fine for me. What version are you using? Any error messages?

Is there anyone else with this problem?

Percival18 said...

Hey Percy, are you still working on getting this to work on Macs?

No I gave up. The only solution I know of is wine.

felipeROx said...

Have a way to port YGOpro to Android devices? '-'

The Pope said...

Piss. You sure there's no other way about it?

The Pope said...

Because I have a friend who tries to run it on Wine, and these happen.

Percival18 said...

Maybe this link would help?

He used wineskin.

xplay10 said...

Welcome back man.

I have a question. With the new update, every time I go to join a game, I get the following:
Think you can help me out on this?

Percival18 said...

That means the game you just joined has already started the duel.
Go back and try another game, or click on Host.

The Pope said...

The link only has up to 1.02D. Do I need to wait for the person to put up a 1.02E.1 AE version?

Anonymous said...

Version 1.02E.1 AE. Tried full version and update only but game alvays closes when I click on minimize without any message.

Percival18 said...

Version 1.02E.1 AE. Tried full version and update only but game alvays closes when I click on minimize without any message.

Sorry I still have no idea. Try opening system.conf with a text editor and change use_d3d to 1.

You could also try the alternate executable (see the download link in this blogpost).

Percival18 said...

The link only has up to 1.02D. Do I need to wait for the person to put up a 1.02E.1 AE version?

Pretty much yeah. I don't have a Mac and I can't get ygopro to run on a virtual machine with wine.

Just curious, but what version is your friend using? OSX Lion?

The Pope said...

10.6.8. Snow Leopard.

Anonymous said...

i had just made new Vylon deck, but i cannot use the effects of the Vylon Union monsters.

I had Vylon Omega and used its effect to equip it with the Vylon Union monsters from the Graveyard. The Union monsters cannot activate their effects after destroying a monster by battle or Special Summon themselves to the Monster Card Zones.

Is it supposed to be like that?

Anonymous said...

In anime, D-Force give an extra effect to plasma: plasma is immune by opponent's card effect.

The Pope said...

Anonymous, yes, that's how it's supposed to work.

If you have errors you think are bugs, first look up the ruling. If you still think it's a bug, report it on Fluorohydride's page.

Anonymous said...

Hey plzz fix dragunity akylis effect didn't activate always

Anonymous said...

Game is unable to start if I change value to 1, also tried alternate executable, but still have this problem.

francy said...

and harpie lady phoenix and sparrow formation??????? WE WANT IT!! and aero nail and harpie's feather storm pls!!!!

francy said...

and harpie lady phoenix and sparrow formation??????? WE WANT IT!! and aero nail and harpie's feather storm pls!!!!

Anonymous said...

meh. I'm hoping for the sealed beasts myself to be honest.

Flaim said...

Hi, windows says that the game is not responding and shuts it down when i click Deck Edit. Whats wrong?

Anonymous said...

Isn't the two Blaze Accelerator supposed to send cards for cost? Cause it looks it's sending them as effects.

Anonymous said...

I can't add ant anime cards to my deck for some reason; I tried changing my Host settings to 'Anime', but that didn't work. Is there something I'm missing?

Hugo365 said...

anonymous did that happen in lan or online play?, if it was on lan you have to change the ban list to 01.09.12 TF

Anonymous said...

I think there's a mistake here. The Merrowgeist's effect doesn't work against Crystal beast monsters... but this article says otherwise ...

Unknown said...

hello percy is a long time since I play with yu-gi-oh pro and I wanted to tell you that is fabulous. But I have some questions for you in the next version entered above number 92 and number 53? And you may also enter diaboun kernel (it is my desire) if it is possible?

Anonymous said...

Hello Percy, first of all, welcome back, and thanks for releasing a new version (:

And I'm not sure if it was because of the update, but servers are faster than before (in the previous version it would take about 3-5 second between each "choice" and "action" a player could make), so it if fixed it, thanks a lot

Also, is there anything to help me learn how to code card effects? I was thinking on helping add cards recently released, if that's possible

Anonymous said...

well I tested 2nd layer and 3rd layer of the Seal from the update finally...2nd Seal seemed to worked as intended...but the 3rd layer didnt retain the 2nd layers effect of increasing my lps and it gave my monsters HUGE atk values everytime something happened.

please fix this

Percival18 said...

hello percy is a long time since I play with yu-gi-oh pro and I wanted to tell you that is fabulous. But I have some questions for you in the next version entered above number 92 and number 53? And you may also enter diaboun kernel (it is my desire) if it is possible?

It depends on Fluorohydride. Number 92 and 53 will probably be added once Cosmo Blazer is released.

Percival18 said...

Isn't the two Blaze Accelerator supposed to send cards for cost? Cause it looks it's sending them as effects.

According to the wikia ruling page it's not a cost.

Sending 1 Pyro-Type monster with 500 or less ATK to the Graveyard is part of this card's effect. It is not a cost.


Anonymous said...

hey guys this is the mac version of ygopro here :
thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Heroez88 - thanks percy, i got a comment here about speed world is active but no speed counter generate, even worse player with no speed world card is not affected to this card..that`s odd why not make speed world officiallly active and both player affect by it?i think we need mode for this so that both player will play speed about mod u should consider seal-play too(sealed pack tournament)...random play or construct deck by epic dawn booster pack..just your work!

Anonymous said...

Where can you report Anime cards bug?

Sphere field instead Xyz Summon the monster from Extra deck,it just Special summon it.So:
-Number 6 effect won't work as it is not Xyz summoned.
-You can't Special Summon it from grave when the Xyz monster dies.
-You can't Xyz summon Number 22,because the card don't Xyz Summon,just special summons.

Ermac1515 said...

Hi, sorry for my bad english, I'm french. Is it possible for you to create an option to remove or change the number card limit in a deck ? (60 for the moment)
I mean I play with my wife since year IRL but we play with around 300 cards in each deck because we find it more funny. Please, can you create an option in order to do it ? I should specify that I'd like to do this only for matches in local network, not online.
It seems there is just a little parameter to change in the source code to do this but i haven't the knowledge to do this myself. Thank you for your answer.

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