Saturday, September 15, 2012

YGOPro 1.02D.0 Anime Edition


If you already have 1.02D.0 then download the update only and extract files into the ygopro folder. You will be asked to overwrite files.

Update only from 1.02D.0 to 1.02D.0 AE (Anime Edition)
Mirror 1
Mirror 2

Full download 1.02D.0 AE
Mirror 1

Alternate executable (only use this if you have trouble with the normal version)

Emergency fixes

Download the fix here and extract to your ygopro 1.02D.0 AE folder. This fix is only needed for local games and replays.
  • Music is turned off by default. You can turn it on in the settings tab. (No one uses the settings tab? A part of me died of sadness)
  • Galaxy Knight should work correctly now
  • Galaxy Wizard can now search Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
  • The High Priestess' Staff can now only be activated from hand when you control no monsters. Also the translation is incorrect. It negates 1 attack and does not end the battle phase
  • Infinite Machine Ain Soph no longer activates when sent to graveyard face-down
  • Infinite Light Ain Soph Ohr no longer activates when sent to graveyard face-down. This one was literally broken ;) It was fun while it lasted.
  • Cat Girl card text updated


  • 5899 cards total
  • New cards:
    • Anime cards by 馬骨
    • Duelist Pack Kaito DP13 by Fluorohydride
    • Thunder Seahorse, Mighty Warrior, Cursed Prison by Percival18
  • Filter cards by Banned, Limited, Semi-Limited, OCG, TCG, Anime
  • Anime banlist 2012.9.1 TF
  • New server called Omega Hawk. Delta Eagle and Omega Hawk both support anime mode. Read the tutorial on how to start a game in anime mode. 
  • Server browser changes:
    • Server browser only shows rooms that have not started yet
    • Mode and rulings of each room is shown
    • Fixed user being stuck at Host window when connection to server failed

Known issues

  • Many cards still have old pictures


Official YGOPro programmer: Fluorohydride

YGOPro mod and servers: Percival18

Anime cards made by 馬骨
YGOPro ( ADS ) 1.02D.0 繁體中文版

Servers provided by Kaiba Corporation

Server provided by FH-YGOPRO
-FH- 线上游戏王团体总部

ygoDuelServer by yuyufeng

New cards since 1.02D.0:


Hugo365 said...

Hi Perci, could you add an alternate exe if possible i know you had other things to do i'm sorry for bothering but i will get a new pc until november.
If you add it thank you if you cannont thank you either for your work.

Percival18 said...

@Hugo365 Don't worry I am already working on it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks !!
Photon Radiant is awesome !

Hugo365 said...

ok thank you, and keep up your good work

AkiyoSSJ said...

Omg, awesome Percy! Good job thanks ^^. In the next version.. Seal of Orichalcos TCG and anime will be I think xD.

Nutkun7993 said...

Ah Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl Anime Support Card!! Finally... Thank you! for this update I Finally have a good day with my favorite monster. I just wish it was an official support card someday...

Anonymous said...

some of these anime cards desperately need to be forbidden/limited/semi.

sketch21 said...

ok so how do i go about setting up the duel server? percy after things settle can u post a tutorial?

Dani said...



Anonymous said...

Percy, there are bug fixes in this version or it's only new cards?

Dani said...

Hey Percy... GIMMICK PUPPET - NIGHTMARE effect is not working.

Anonymous said...

Hey Percival. First off, amazing update, I LOVE the anime cards. it's actually reminding me of what I loved about YuGiOh in the first place xD

Secondarily, there are a few bugs. I can't really show you any recordings, as I generally choose not to exploit them, but all the same. For example, Grounel Infinity can attack a second time during the battle phase, so long as it does so after one of the other Granel monsters. Galaxy Knight is unable to normal summon itself without tribute and Fossil Warrior Skullknight can be SS'd by removing a level 4 from the opponent's grave.

There are probably a few others I've seen floating around, but that's all that comes to mind at the moment. I'll have a proper look over it all later, with replays as proof, and see if I can't outline a few more.

Thanks again Percy.

Oh, and PS. apparently people have been having trouble with the music since the update. I just usually put my MP3 on, but still, should probably look into it.

Anonymous said...

The updated version doesn't seem to play music.

Dani said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dani said...

Hey Percy, could you help me?

When I want to play YGO Pro Multiplayers... sometimes there are 5 Servers (the TDOANES, china one, delta eagle and the anime one), but other times there are only 2 (tdoane and china) how do I fix it?

Edward Newgate said...

Percy, the 2nd artworks of Magician Circle, Launcher Spider, Pendulum Machine and Tiger Axe are missing on the game, only the first artwork appears on the search

About the music, who is having trouble, just open "system" on the folder of YGOPro and on "enable_music" put 1 instead of 0... This vesion comes with 0 (music disabled) by default ^^

Anonymous said...

I want ALL the Orichalcos cards...i just fine that deck to be awesome

Nikoness said...

The effect of Ghost Fusion banish the fusion materials, but in the card info says "Send". A bug, or text error? I prefer bug xd, really.

Anonymous said...

Um, for some reason I have no sound? I just grabbed the update file and updated like usual and everything else seems fine. I just downloaded and replaced like usual. If you have any ideas I'd appreciate it. Thank you! I can answer any other questions if need be, if I lacked any information.

Unknown said...

I love Perci!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Percival18 said...

You can turn sound/music on and off in the settings tab

Anonymous said...

Galaxy Knight doesn't work.

Anonymous said...

dude, explain what doesn't work for Galaxy Knight. To me, in some cases, i didn't Normal Summon, but the card cannot Normal Summon without Tributing by itself.

The Pope said...

Madolche Chateau still has the bad field artwork.

JS said...

omg I cant believe you guys added sleeping giant thud.  and holding hands majin. that's going to be so fun to try and summon thud.

vladmir97 said...

Will T.G. anime cards be added?

JS said...

omg and fossil fusion???? this has to be one of the best updates yet.

Anonymous said...

TEA82: Amazing!!! Fluorohydride and Percival18 simpky rock!!! THIS IS THE BEST ANIME YGOPRO EVER FOR SURE!!! I bet for the next update that they add turbo duels cards! Continue the amazing work guys!! (you guys planned to add ygorpo duelist of the new era anime cards too??)

Unknown said...

Do we have the parts of meklord emperors ?

FreelancerRaiko said...

Percy if I could I'd buy you a beer dude.

Anonymous said...

Infinite Machine Ain Soph, Infinite Light Ain Soph Ohr and The High Priestess' Staff don't work properly. Ain Soph is not able to discard a Timelord and draw 2 cards. Ain Soph Ohr is also unable to discard and draw as well as it can't Special Summon Ultimate Timelord. And Staff: it can be activated from my hand even if I control a monster(s). If it is activated from hand, my opponent doesn't take any damage. Also, even it is activated from the field, it doesn't end the Battle Phase. Hope it will be fixed.

Anonymous said...

Hi Percy, first of all Thanks for the new version all your work is amazing...
Could you fix the bug in Advance Zone spell card. This card dont works according with the official GAME STRATEGY SITE of Konami. Advance Zone allow me gain all three effects when I tribute 3 monsters for a Tribute Summon but YGOPro only give me to choice one of the three effects

You can found the original effect in the following link:

Please fix this bug Percy... sorry for my English Im Mexican

Anonymous said...

Please add this card The Magician's Wisdom..

Anonymous said...

Hi Perci! You think that it's possible, soon or later, create a room or something like that for duelling against myself ? Thanks for your job!

Anonymous said...

Percy, will be add the all the Tag Force anime only cards to this game?

Nicolas said...

thx perco for set in game time lords and dark synchrons , this game is the best YGO game , dn is a crap

Anonymous said...

Wow, a great update. I wasn't expecting it, but now you'll be sure I'll always be on Pro if it keeps going !

Some suggestions : Recycling Plant

I really hope you'll add many more anime and manga cards in the future update !

Anonymous said...

Percy , i found a great website to help u find anime card . . We all would very happy with your work :) im fully support u in your project

Yugioh gx :!_GX_Anime_Only_Card_Images

Yugioh :!_Anime_Only_Card_Images

Yugioh 5d :!_5D%27s_Anime_Only_Card_Images

Gudluck dude !

Anonymous said...

Hi Percy thanks for the update, its a really exciting one =)
I've had one problem with your updates. Every time I download your updates (The version to update from the previous to the new one, not the full one) I extract it but when I try to start it it says that an unexpected error has occured and then ygopro shuts itself. This happened to me when updating to 1.02D I know its not a big problem but I thought that I should tell you at least though even though there is no problem when I download and extract the full version then copy my previous decks to the new version.

IceDryst said...

Hi Percy, there's a problem with Dark Flattop [Anime], it should be banned in non-anime Banlist (it 's currently not)

Anonymous said...

I think you should add a function: fitter bay cards update in version. When a version is updated, it's difficult to find new card. :(

Doug said...

Percival, add, Ninja only card anime. Please...

Anonymous said...

@IceDryst The Dark Tuners are banned anyways, so how do you plan to summon it then?

Also, Percy Cat Girl is bugged. When I changed the battle position of my monster, Opponents Cat Girl changed it back to attack position.. Like wth!

Also, It would of been cool to see the Orichalcos Cards and Armor Type Monsters. Hopefully in a future update maybe?

Percival18 said...

Cat Girl also has a wrong text. It should say:
"Once per turn, during your opponent's turn, if the Battle Position of a monster your opponent control would be changed, it is not changed."

DaWi said...

YGOPro arealdy has Single, Match & Tag, so I wonder if you guys can add another kind of duel: Team duel - like in YGO 5D's.

It like keepping old Life Point & cards of the previous Battle to the next Battle of 3 Single.

Hope to look forward to seeing it soon, tks for reading this.

Unknown said...

hello perci
i wonder if u can add more search options like duelingnetwork u know > < = , and a button that cancel all the search inputs to start a new clean search u know what i mean,i think that will be cool.

FreelancerRaiko said...

Still people wanting this and this? Man this update was amazing! I haven't had this much fun with yugioh in a long time.

Thanks Percy, you guys have outdone yourselves.

Madolche Seigmita said...

How i get the fixes?

Unknown said...

What is with this Freelancer Guy!

Luizao said...

I think you should add a function: fitter bay cards update in version. When a version is updated, it's difficult to find new card. :(

Yep i really want what this guy said and it will be really usefull can you do it Percy?

JaunM said...

Percy Thanks for this xD

But you miss the best anime card of kaiba

Card of Demise

Magical Tricky mirror

Comand Silencer

Reflect Energy

and SPELL SANCTUARY the best card xD

Good Joob Percy

Anonymous said...

Master Hyperion's effect cannot be activated anymore... Using version 2.1.4 from TDOANE

FreelancerRaiko said...

Well I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news but I've run into 3 glitches.

Vision Hero Fusion seems to remove from play the cards instead of sending them to grave.

Also Vision Hero Fusion is supposed to actually have a "2 or more" instead of just "2 materials"

Finally, Vision Hero Multiply Guy is not supposed to double his own attack but the attack of whatever vision hero he is used to summon from s/t area.

The Pope said...

Also, there's a recurring bug I've noticed. When a Match is created, if the loser quits instead of losing or surrendering, the winner will go to the Siding screen and then can hit okay, but then it just remains frozen, as if the opponent is still siding.

Anonymous said...

When I use Photon Deck in Delta Eagle server it's show "Invalid Deck" message and when I watch replay it's show "Error occurs".
How can I fix thos problem?

Kavasiki said...

A bug: If you have Miracle Stone (anime) it seems like you can only set Fortune Fairies. A second bug: Cat Girl can not negate an attack, or the player isn't asked to negate an attack.

Percival18 said...

When I use Photon Deck in Delta Eagle server it's show "Invalid Deck" message
As explained in the tutorial
The server does not have new photon cards yet

Percival18 said...

Cat Girl can not negate an attack, or the player isn't asked to negate an attack.

See my comment about Cat Girl earlier today.

Anonymous said...

The second artwork of various cards aren't available on this version :T

Anonymous said...

Hey Percy. Again, thank you for the amazing update.

Just wanted ot inform you that I found a slight problem with Gimmick Puppet - Nightmare, in that the option to tribute a non-xyz Gimmick Puppet monster is not offered, and the game insists that it can only tribute Xyz Gimmick Puppets.

Palaxiius said...

Percy, can you add most of the Bakura cards in the anime, like The Dark Sanctuary, Spiritualistic Medium and Diabound?

Anonymous said...

Can't synch with "Swartalf of the Nordic Alafar" summoned with "Temperance of Prophecy", which itself is summoned with "Amores of Prophecy".

Hope I didn't screw up on a ruling or something.

Anonymous said...

I also targeted my "Amores of Prophecy" with "Spellbook of Wisdom" selecting traps beforehand.

Anonymous said...

I just had a duel where my Grannel deck was against a photon stun deck. Long story short he had skill drain face up and I had a set mirror force and limit reverse. He used heavy storm and I chained limit reverse to revive grand core but after reverse was destroyed nothing happened to my core. It just sat there and he attacked it for game.

Please patch this.

Anonymous said...

Apparently Gem-Knight Pearl is banned under TCG ruling, is this a known bug?

Anonymous said...

Perci, I know you're a busy man and how much time you've put into YGOPro for us, and for that I can't thank you enough.

I just wanted to bring to your attention on an artwork error on "Meklord Emperor Granel".

It should say "Meklord Emperor Granel" however it says "Meklord Army of Granel". It has been like for the past 4 updates... I was hoping someone else would bring this up or it would be fixed eventually, but no dice.

Anonymous said...

after i updated the AE update, i cant connect to TDOANE (USA) when trying to host. help me please :(

Anonymous said...

for the love of god limit Sandion and Michion.

And "Timelord Priestess" is not a "Timelord" monster, change it to Time Priestess.

(時械巫女 VS 時械神)

probably best to semi Timelord Priestess too.

anime format is nothing but Z-ONE wannabes everywhere and those two are the most immediately broken members and Time Priestess contributes to the 'strategy' of whoring them.

Anonymous said...

Seems like you can't synch with any of the Prophecy cards. I wasn't able to get Arcanite Magician with Prophecy Destroyer and Veiler.

Anonymous said...

percy , can u help me .. Why i can't use anime card althought when i hosting , i already change the banlist to 2012.1.9 TF & change the allowed card to without rules . . when i want to use deck with anime card . . it will say check ocg/tcg banlist & check the banlist

venomas6 said...

Well, Percy, if you look for pictures of OCG/TCG cards in a good quality, they are here:

There is also part 4 accaount, but it's empty, possibly there will be pictures in the future.

As for anime-exclusive cards:

There are some good anime-exclusive cards pictures among fan cards and released cards.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Vision HEROs are in game! May be Masked HEROs will also be added...

Anonymous said...

TDOANE is offline?

Aldi said...

percy why u not ask to admin tdoane for get a lot (more) anime card (cooperation) ? cause tdoane have a lot anime card before tdoane join to percy, they (tdoane) have server anime card and a lot card anime card as like oricalchos. Sorry my english is bad.

JaunM said...

Remember KAIBA Best anime cards

Card of demise , magical tricky armor ,comamd silencer and reflect energy

Thanks Percy xD

Percival18 said...

percy , can u help me .. Why i can't use anime card althought when i hosting , i already change the banlist to 2012.1.9 TF & change the allowed card to without rules . . when i want to use deck with anime card . . it will say check ocg/tcg banlist & check the banlist

Please read the tutorial. You need te select 2012.1.9 TF & Anime.

Percival18 said...

Can't synch with "Swartalf of the Nordic Alafar" summoned with "Temperance of Prophecy", which itself is summoned with "Amores of Prophecy".

Hope I didn't screw up on a ruling or something.

Which non-tuner monster(s) are you using?
Which synchro monster are you trying to summon?
What card are on the field?
What cards did you activate before?

Just saying "it doesn't work" is not very informative.

Percival18 said...

And Temperance also says: "You cannot Special Summon another Level 5 or higher monster during the turn you activate this effect."

Percival18 said...

for the love of god limit Sandion and Michion.

And "Timelord Priestess" is not a "Timelord" monster, change it to Time Priestess.

(時械巫女 VS 時械神)

probably best to semi Timelord Priestess too.

Would adding some kind of poll to vote how many of each anime card should be allowed be a good idea?

Anonymous said...

It was show Invalid Deck in Lan Mode for Photon Deck too OTL.

NakTiểuThư said...

Lol .... Thank a lot for the new version :))

And the Timelord deck is so imbalanced... Btw, will we have the Philosopher's Stone card in the game...? :))

Percival18 said...

Philosopher's Stone is going to make it even more unbalanced :)

Anonymous said...

the new cards arrived, speeds spells, I can't wait to see what it returns !

an overview :

sketch21 said...

so i hear a tcg version of the seal of Orichalcos is gonna be released. looking foward to that instead of the anime version. seems much more fair to use in game:

Field Spell Card
All monsters you control gain 500 ATK.
Once per turn, this card cannot be destroyed by card effects.
While you control 2 or more face-up attack position monsters, your opponent cannot target your monster(s) with the lowest ATK for an attack.
When this card is activated: Destroy all Special Summoned monsters you control.
You cannot Special Summon monsters from your Extra Deck.
You can only activate "The Seal of Orichalcos" once per Duel.

Anonymous said...

Morphtronic Bind vs Karakuri: Karakuri monsters still can change their Battle Position when they are attacked.
Bait Doll + Gishki Emilia:
After Emilia negated all Traps, if Bait Doll target a Trap (for example "Dust Tornado"), that Trap resolves normally. (Even with red circle drawn on it!)
Dark Diviner:
This card should change ATK, not Original ATK!

Cyber Dinosaur (LIGHT not EARTH)
Mad Lobster (LV 3, not 4)
Jar Turtle (WATER not WIND)
Damage = Reptile (Damage - Reptile, Continuous, not Counter)

Anonymous said...

Chronomaly Aztec Mask Golem doesn't work correct. If it was added from my deck to my hand by a Chronomaly Technology I was not able to Special Summon it. Also, will Chronomaly City Babylon be added?

Anonymous said...

Gimmick Puppet - Nihghtmare works incorrect. It can't be Special Summoned by tributing non-Xyz Gimmick Puppet. Also, it can be used as 2 material if it was Normal or Special Summoned without using its effect.

Anonymous said...

That's okay with anime cards... But, is really necessary to add manga cards too? I mean, that black n' white artwork... So "artificial" and doesn't fit in with the rest of the cards... It's ugly...

Anonymous said...

I think the Manga cards are great quality. This whole update has been awesome.

FreelancerRaiko said...

I think the manga cards are great too. Who cares if they're gray (though I have found some sites where they have actually given them color) but either way they're still really cool.

The only problems I see are of course the glitches where:

Vision Fusion banishes its materials insead of sending them to grave

and is also supposed to read 2 or more materials, not just 2 (at least I believe).

Also Vision Hero Multiply Guy is supposed to double the attack of the vision hero he summons from s/t area via his sacrifice, not that he doubles his own attack.

Anonymous said...

FreelancerRaiko, can you post the sites with the colored artworks of the manga cards?

Anonymous said...

Percy a Tribute summon cancel button needs to be added..ive had situations where ive tributed the wrong monster cause i cant take the tribute summons back...

if there is already a command for it then apologizes as i wouldnt know what it is.

Hugo365 said...

What happened with TDOANE both USA and Europe?

sketch21 said...

anime cards was one thing but manga cards now ?....
this program is gonna be a mess soon

Anonymous said...

What's wrong with manga cards? You can set it to anime mode so it's not like you're forced to play with them. It's a fun feature.

Anonymous said...

I agree with sketch21, I prefer only ANIME cards on the program. Manga Cards even have an artwork

Clear said...

Malefic World does not work the way in should in Anime mode, it cannot grab Tag Force Malefic cards.

Nheil said...

Closed Forest is already TCG for long years. You should change it from OCG only status.

The biggest problem is the incorrect Geartown ruling. It should miss the timing when a new Field spell card is activated but it atm doesnt. This bug slightly abuses the Geartown decks so it is bad.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about that (I'm the "Prophecy" guy). Completely overlooked Temperence's ability.

You the best. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

sorry percy, why i get lag before and after i whistling for duel (its make long delay) ?. i use netbook (RAM 1GB and prosesor intel 1,6 Ghz) and my connection is good. Previous versions this has never happened.

Madolche Seigmita said...

Percy I saw you put Thundersea Horse wich is not officially released, the question is If you'll add the new cards just released of Cosmo Blazer soon? :D I hope yes

Anonymous said...

@ percy hmm I found bug that if I use raigeki break to destroy Yubel, Yubel effect is not activate can you fix it?

Anonymous said...


I really do apologise for this, but seeing as others have on several occasions so far made requests, I was wondering if there was any hope to get the anime exclusive LV monsters support used by Chazz Princeton and the Knight from 5D's.

If not, fair enough. Level monsters aren't the most commonly played monsters.

All the same, thanks for an amazing job.

Percival18 said...

If the guy who added the anime cards adds the LV monsters in the future, then I will also include them.

YuGiOhMoDDeR said...

VERSION 1.02E is OUT :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Percy,

I seemed to be the last Girl/Woman who plays YGO online, with your gread version of YGO, in germany. After shut down of YGO Accelerator.
So i want to say thank u for your famous job!!!

I love YGO Pro, because i can change so much thinks to personality my game, i love it really!

So i have a favor to ask you:
do u want to create to change the gray theme of YGO Pro? For example in black?

Then my Themes are perfect ;)

THX for answer!

P.s my english is not sooo good, i know. But i hope u will understand :X

Anonymous said...

Hey Percy, can you add the card "Ragnarok" from the anime so we can use it in anime mode?

Sylar said...

VERSION 1.02E is OUT :)

Anonymous said...

where is version 1.02E then?

marik said...

when 102E is OUT????

Anonymous said...

How come it takes so long for the duel to start now ? it takes like 30 seconds or 1 minute to start the duel its ridiculous X_X

Unknown said...

Percy plz could able the property of

connecting to the internet using a

proxy settings ,, coz i'm

connecting to a proxy so i couldn't

get any benefit of servers what so ever ,,

can u do that ?!

Anonymous said...

Number 50: Black Corn (picture and text) > Number 50: Blackship of Corn :)

Percival18 said...

Number 50: Black Corn (picture and text) > Number 50: Blackship of Corn :)

Rofl that cards keeps coming back to haunt me

Anonymous said...

1.02E.0 is out in ghitub in chinese language and we must patient percy tranlate that ^_^

Anonymous said...

Vision Heroes extremely bugged, my opponent had 5 in the s/t zones, I used Heavy Storm and they weren't affected at all. So I Dark Holed and still nothing.

Anonymous said...

Dueling Network has The Seal of Orichalcos will we get it soon?

Anonymous said...

Underworld DragonDragonNecro and his tokens make the monsters they battle immune to destruction in battle for monsters other than themselves. I attacked a Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus with Necro, then the token, then a Mezuki and it wasn't destroyed. If it's intentional, nevermind. Someone else already reported ghost fusion.

Palaxiius said...

Percy, just saying that Destiny Board isn't activating it's effect on the end phases of the opponent.
And don't forget my precious Bakura's anime cards!

Aldi said...

i want to help u, percy.
About everyone request orichalchos anime card i get card picture + script orichalchos from my old ygopro dawn of era (anime).

picture + thumb + sript of oricalchos card anime

maybe this can help u little (i cannot help to add this in ygopro and system for effect card cause i didnot understand programming).
Thx for u job for ygopro.

Anonymous said...

When i used Galaxy Zero's effect to save my monster, the option showed up saying "Special Summon: YES OR NO". I really didn't know what happened, and then i figured out that it was Galaxy Zero's effect. So, can you change that?

Anonymous said...

I summon a level 1 normal monster in the first turn of Duel, but i can't summon Zushin the Sleeping Giant 10 turns after, just in the 19 turn of Duel i could summon him

marik said...

why it;s very lag in the start of the duel????

Anonymous said...

Where is the settings tab??

Karox said...

thanks perfect- Time Lords... :)

Unknown said...

my laptop is at repairing so i couldnt download AE upload is there speed spells or cards like them such as synchro panic yusei used against Z-one?

Juan Gomez said...

percy hey how are you, I have a problem with version 1.02d Anime, remplaze files folder by anime 1.02d. my problem is that when I go to the server "omega hawk (europe)" and enter to play as a spectator or entered after the rock-paper-scissors. the game keeps the field with nothing, no life points loaded and time to 0 which may be the problem. also say that after replacing files 1.02d anime, remplaze inside the same files 102D-AE-fixes-17-Sept-2012. I leave a link as I have when you start the game after the rock, paper, scissors.

PS: sorry my English is not very good I am using a translator

Nuthis said...

After I installed the anime version, I can only connect to a single server: Omega Hawk. Can anyone help me?

Anonymous said...

Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord has a problem with the discard effect. The effect to discard cards is optional [You can discard] however in the game this effect comes off as a mandatory effect. Causes problems when you want to summon the beater against Darkworld players.

Also the 1 min wait before match starts is really grim XD

Anonymous said...

Gimmick box is glitching you can activate it when you attack with one of your own monsters.

marik said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
marik said...

there's a script error in duel puzzle QB006 (102D AE), please fix it in next version....

jorge alberto garza garza said...

hey percy i still have problem with the frame rate can you help me with that please ? i use windows 7 Home edition thanksss

Anonymous said...

It would be nice to put a time during the "rock-paper-scissors" to the duel can begin, if the time is exceeded, the result is random

lawL said...

I don't know where should I post, but Great Shogun Shien has a problem, the effect "Your opponent can only activate 1 Spell/Trap Card each turn" is not working.
Thanks and sorry about my poor english.

Anonymous said...

Why is it so slow? and where is tdoane usa?

Anonymous said...

hi i have a problem after i join to the room and start rock paper scissor, my cards don't show up
what would be the problem?

Anonymous said...

Speed World 2 FIXED ! You can to play with speeds spells now (the field will be actived at the beginning of the duel from your deck; You must have at least 40 cards in your deck + Speed World 2) > updated 09/27; Some new animated cards have been added, I am eager to see cards translated by Percival, thank you very much !

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Well percival
first tanks for the game
this card has a bug
Call of the Haunted
summon a monster of graveyard
fine but if this monster destruct by battle
Call of the Haunted don't leaves the field
the same bug happens to card
Fiendish Chain
and the last bug i found
in card name Fabled Soulkius
discarded cards to the graveyard to summon especially
Fabled Soulkius
not activate their effects
thanks for the game again you and yours friends make a good work

Anonymous said...

I'd like to state some issues i have.

In some matches i have no extra deck even though i have made an extra deck in deck edit, i don't know if this is a bug or an exploit but its happened on many occasion's now.

Also Dark Desertapir's Effect doesn't activate when banished by Bazoo, The soul eater's Effect.

If you could adress these issues or explain it'd be greatly appreciated, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Unknown Is not bug. Effect is corret.

Pwagee said...

percy, jenis, LS mender's effect doesn't work.

Anonymous said...

Tour Guide from the Underworld effect is glitched. I tested it many times and the effect won't activate. Please fix it ASAP.

Other than that keep up the good work! :)

ChrisNOTopher said...

okay, so what do i do? the game is not working? it loads up and is a bit slow and when i get into a duel! nothing loads :/ i tried the alternate version but the screen just flashes up and then exits again. My computer is great and ive been playing pro fine for ages. Any ideas?

Unknown said...

It would be awesome if you guys add the Legendary Dragons and their support sometime. I always wanted to try them out.

swordreligion said...

Its Amazing .. . . I wanna download it

Anonymous said...

Server is Offff !!!!

Unknown said...


Son Justin said...

This is awesome! My dream has been to play the ultimate anime deck, and you are making it come true! Glad you are not changing effects no matter how broken they are, that's why people want the cards! Lol. Hoping these cards below eventually make it:
Spell Sanctuary
Left Arm Offering
Zombie's Jewel
Card of Last Will
Joyful Doom
Dark Magic Revival
Magical Trick Mirror
Life Shaver
Card of Demise
Immortal God Slime
Dark Sanctuary
Anti Magic Arrows

I am grateful either way! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Percy plz plz plz make cyber angel petit, and from the old school Valkyries and Fairy Tail Monsters (from von schroeder Bros)

Unknown said...

percy add you could please all the cards saga orichalcus why I look for in a game and not have me another try I did not really want to play with Timaeus and all other until even orichalcus and everything please put in the next update I know you're busy else could meet a request from a fan her

Unknown said...

percy please could you add all the cards in the saga of orichalcus why I look for in a game and not have me another try I did not really want to play with Timaeus and all other until even orichalcus and everything please put in the next update I know you're busy else could meet a request from a fan her

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