Sunday, August 19, 2012

YGOPro Percy experimental version Beta5

Deck edit original size

New deck edit screen

Experimental beta build based on YGOPro version 1.02C.0

Downloads here
Beta 5:

This is not a full build. Copy the contents of this archive into the ygopro 1.02C.0 folder!
If you don't have version 1.02C.0 then click here to download.

What's new in beta5

  • Based on version 1.02C.0
  • September 2012 banlist
  • Most UI windows are now properly aligned
  • Deck edit multiple resolution support
  • Missing field images added (images contributed by multiple users)
  • Fixed a wrong translation: "Select a card on opponent's side"
  • Fixed error parsing server data from FH-YGOPRO
  • Fixed password field being hidden if first server in list requires account


Programmer of YGOPro experimental: Percival18

Main YGOPro programmer: Fluorohydride

Server by Kaiba Corporation



Anonymous said...

Great Job, tks Percival ^^ !!!!!

Anonymous said...

-There's no room currently open on server ?
-Newest Available version is beta 4 ?
fix them Percy ^^

wtf said...

How come I keep getting " There no rooms currently open on the server " when I click on " TDOANE (USA) " ? someone found a fix for this ?

Percival18 said...

TDOANE is down at the moment

wtf said...

ohh I though the issue was on my end, thx mate :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Percival18! I like all of your work with this game and really respect it. I've made a Yugioh Real life series in youtube that has 1.500.000 views at the moment, so if you don't mind i also make a mini-series, the main characters playing this game. I also mention the game's name and there is a link in the video's description to your blog, so maybe my subscribers and viewers will learn about your work too, if they haven't already. So best regards from Kacsa20, and keep up the good work.

The video is here:

Anonymous said...

Is there an way to get a new pw from FH-YGOPRO server? I forgot my pw lol

Anonymous said...

So I copied them into the ygo folder and I have all parts of the update with the exception of the new Deck Edit menu change.

Papahlamidas said...

Dear Percy.

Check the photo that i attached.
I created it on photoshop and i think is better if you can change only that area when a field card is activated.

Best Regards
Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

yes i agree, that would be better.

Anonymous said...

I Agree too. This way is better than changing all the background.

Anonymous said...

Percy, in the future can you do a more resizable window? Because my fullscreen resolution is 1600x900 but in this resolution the program stretch, looking bad, I would like to put the resolution of YGOPro in 1440x900 ç.ç

Anonymous said...

Also, the antialiasing doesn't works on fullscreen

Anonymous said...

when I open the server it's contain an parse error....

Anonymous said...

When TDOANE will be opened again? Will be? :(

Percival18 said...

Make sure you start the correct file. The beta is called ygopro_vs_beta.exe

Ryderjj89 said...

That definitely looks much cleaner. I like it.

Anonymous said...

hello percy, for a while i say the dealta eagle(europe server) available in the server list. any idea why this is removed?

if it is your own server i have to say this: way too go percy! the great genius! its a shame konami havent send you a request to work for them as an employee, because you deserve it! keep up your great work percy.

Percival18 said...

I am testing stuff. And tdoane will be back online soon.

Anonymous said...

First of all i would like to thank you for the amazing work you're doing.
Second : i am encountering the following error when trying to play on FH-YGOPRO3

any idea on what might be causing it?

Anonymous said...

I Like it

Anonymous said...

thank you percy , i love you

Percival18 said...

Thanks! Looks fun

Anonymous said...

so the TDOANE server is not hosting a game under the september 2012 ban there something I cna do or is it the games fault or aproblem with the tdoane server etc..?

Percival18 said...

Just use march banlist if you want to play on tdoane

Unknown said...

hey percy why dont you add a back batton
so if a player did a mistake he can re do his last move
this is really important thing
hope you can add it soon

Percival18 said...

Uhh no.. just be more careful with your moves.

Anonymous said...

i host in TDOANE but i cant use the september list

Anonymous said...

Percival18 August 19, 2012 1:12 PM
Just use march banlist if you want to play on tdoane

Anonymous said...

Percival, i cannot register...the site is down FHYGOPRO

AccessDenied said...

Can you come to the TDOANE Server room I need to talk to about some stuff or at the very least contact me via email on my personal site. It concerns bettering the game. I understand you are very busy but this is important.

dddd said...

Does the game match banlists now? Would love to play goat control!!!

No rush...or even obligation. Just throwing it out there :X

om_duel said...

Hey percy ^^
field effect
look this
i thing... this best than.

Anonymous said...

OMG this is show!!!!!!!!

Hugo365 said...

Why can't i host with september 2012 banlist in tdoane?

AccessDenied said...

Because we have not updated yet.

AccessDenied said...

Percy your launcher has a bug in it that is crashing the TDOANE server; plz contact us.

om_duel said...

Yes This good Texture.

Percival18 said...

How can I contact you?

Senoue said...

Kalut does not work in duels. Like when I have 2, it says Kalut is not allowed Try TCG/OCG even when I am in that mode.

Percival18 said...

The server has not updated the banlist yet

Anonymous said...

Do you have a approx date to when we are gonna start using September Banlist?

Percival18 said...

In September 2012 :p

Anonymous said...

I found a bug : The card "Sauropod Brachion" says that it can be normal summoned by tributing one dinosaur's type monster but it doesnt work. Could you fix it plz ? Btw, great job.

Anonymous said...

cheers, love ygopro ur the man

Anonymous said...

precy, please add an option to duel an A.I to test newly made decks.

Anonymous said...


Percival18 said...

I don't mind ;)

Fluorohydride doesn't seem to have any plans on adding AI soon. Can I suggest you open ygopro twice and duel with yourself?

Anonymous said...

Please add this card : Thunder Seahorse
Thnx in advance :)

Anonymous said...

lol!! Or you could find some friends in order to test your decks!! :D Seriously, I think it would be pretty awesome if an A.I. option is added sometime in the near future!

Anonymous said...

Can you come to our chatbox at, make your username Percival18 and talk to Seto_Kaiba or Access Denied.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm a current user of the game and first of all I would say that I appreciate the work this is really good to play like that,good luck for the following , I have a request : if you could add the trap card named : Power Wall (from tag force series,zane trusdale from GX series used it) awesome for cyber deck or deck based on grave...

Kucing_anjing said...

when i duel someone, and it's my opponent turn. i'm waiting my opponent for very2 long time. this is not only once. is there something wrong with the program?? what should i do?? thanks

Anonymous said...

Power Wall is just an ANIME card so it won't be added in the game.

Anonymous said...

The thing is or either you get a low ping or your down speed is just sh**, I'd recomend you to contact the company that is providing your broadband connection and complain

Anonymous said...

Wait for the next update lol

Anonymous said...

uh Percy did promise anime cards before the start of his experimental builds, I guess that'll never happen.
Or at least his not up for it.

Anonymous said...

keep up the good work percy!

cp49100 said...

Are you still thinking about uting anime cards? because i think it whould be a awsome idea! That way its like we have tag-force exept on a PC and online!

Anonymous said...

I think he doesn't have time for it, after all Percy is a very busy man.

Anonymous said...

he never promised this. he was thinkig about it, it was just an idea.

zerojohnnyx said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Bug Report:
Number96: Dark Mist

On a card is written that an effect of a card can be used Once per Battle, but my opponent could it use by any of my attacks.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I hear you're working on a Mac version, is there any truth to this? Also, I reported a bug here:
nearly a month ago and it is still not fixed. How long does it usually take for errors to get fixed, thanks?

Anonymous said...

'a battle' is equivalent to attacked or is attacked

Ryderjj89 said...

Percy...I'm going to post this on Fluoro's github as well, but there seems to be a problem with saving replays depending on where the installation directory is for ygopro.

Long story short, I've made an installer for TDOANE for its web launcher and it installs to the users %appdata% folder under YGOPro. However, I, along with a few others, am now unable to save replays. The only change was the installation directory as it worked fine for me when installed to Program Files.

When the duel is over, it just says "The duel has ended" without giving an option to save the replay.

Please come to's chat and contact me, Starstrike if you have any questions.

Percival18 said...

Make sure that the folder called replay exists in that directory

Percival18 said...

Once per battle, so each tIme you attack there is battle taking place.
I think you are confusing it with once per battle phase.

Ryderjj89 said...

It does. I checked to make sure it did. I even have all my replays and can access them via the replay menu.

berserk17 said...

Percy, I would like to make a suggestion based on one of your own features you added during beta releases. Advantage/Disadvantage music works when I have the appropriate mp3 for them, but I find that feature uselss to me so I don't put any of them. The problem is that the normal mp3 stops playing whenever I am in an advantage or disadvantage.

My request is then: could you make an option in the settings menu to deactivate the advantage/disadvantage feature?

Otherwise all the other features are a godsend. Thank you!

Bruno Gutierres said...

Put the only TCG cards of teh Return of the Duelist like Imairuka and Revival Golem, please, I want test them :D!

Anonymous said...

I've noticed a number of bugs with this beta here.

Aside from that I've also noticed Thunder Seahorse and Shark Bahamut have not been added either.

FreelancerRaiko said...

Personally I dont mind any of these bugs or anything else really. Even the card or two here and there not being published doesn't bother me. This is a fantastic game and I hope you keep working on this great game. I'm just looking forward to the new photon/galaxy cards. Hopefully you'll be able to use the pics (that are actually really great) that they have up now instead of actual release in middle of september.

But even if you can't it's still a great gift to the yugioh community (suck that one Magic the gathering!)

Anonymous said...

Maybe a weird request, multiple songs that can play in game? Either by choice or random? Maybe the more you want just name them "battle1.mp3 battle2.mp3 battle3.mp3 etc.." Just a small little thing lol. And maybe animated menus or backgrounds? And a final one, in theory it sounds easy but that's up to you. An avatar type system? A create a character thing would be awesome but I have no clue how ygo online does it so I'm sure uploading our own would suffice. These again are just some ideas and if you can put any in awesome! If not I'm still glad we have this program. And if you do decide to consider it, AI dueling would be very nice. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I have a glitch. When using heroic challenger extra sword with heroic champion excalibur, after using excalibur's effect to double his original attack he loses the 1000 attack boost from extra sword for some reason?

Anonymous said...

I believe that Excalibur makes his attack attack double his original attack, overriding any other changes

Anonymous said...

percy multiplayer text is hardcoded and it's not included in string.conf, please fix it :)

Percival18 said...

Ayep I am working on it

Anonymous said...

Hi perci i want to report a bug (o maybe i don't know the right ruling of these cards), let me explain the situation: i had on the field "Hieratic Sun Dragon" and my opponent had "Blackwing - Zephiros". He attacks me with Zephiros and during the damage step he uses "shrink" then i play from my hand "The Honest". In this situation "The Honest" is the 2°ring of the chain and "Shrink" the 1°; So "Hieratic Sun Dragon" gains 1600 atk points and because to "Shrink" it should became 2300. the problem is that my attack became 1500 and "Zephiros" defeated my monster....Is this a bug o i don't know the right ruling of "Shrink"? I hope YOU can help me to understand or fix this bug. Thank you for your patience

Anonymous said...

You misunderstand how Shrink works. Shrink says "The original ATK of that monster is halved until the end of this turn."Select 1 face-up monster on the field. The >ORIGINAL< ATK of that monster is halved until the end of this turn.", so here's what happened.

Shrink > Honest, on resolution it goes like this:

Honest > Shrink, so:

Honest makes Sun Dragon 4600 ATK
Shrink makes it 1500 ATK because Half of the ORIGINAL ATK of Sun Dragon (3000) is 1500.

Anonymous said...

How do I fix the "Cannot Parse server data" problem?

Anonymous said...

in next version pleae add:,and

Anonymous said...

Actually it doesn't make his attack double his original, it doubles the original attack, meaning stat changes still apply. Same thing with megamorph.

FreelancerRaiko said...

I think Thunder Seahorse is also missing for some reason even though it's been out for a while. Aside from those cards I really wouldn't mind seeing the new photon and galaxy cards. The preview pics are as high quality as the cards (since it's a pic of the actual card anyways), so they could be added too.

Anonymous said...

They couldn't be added because they have no card number

YuGiOhMoDDeR said...

mentioned cards above have been already added in 1o2d version :)

Anonymous said...

YuGiOhMoDDeR said...
mentioned cards above have been already added in 1o2d version :)

August 24, 2012 5:12 AM

So where's thunder seahorse's id? I can't find it on wikia :(

Anonymous said...

102d is out =D

Anonymous said...

Wait 102d is out? where?

Anonymous said...

Why do people blindly follow shriek ?

Anonymous said...

Why do people blindly follow shriek ?

Unknown said...

Oh somethings wrong with the server does anyone know why ?

Anonymous said...

I've been noticing something wrong with the server as well. I still don't see wehre 102d has been released?

Arcaza said...

Hey I just cant play... it says that there are no rooms in existance, do i have to forcefully download this new betaversion? or can i stay with the 1.02c build?

Percival18 said...

@Arcaza The server is down. Using the beta won't change anything

Arcaza said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Arcaza said...

Why thanks Perci ^^ have any idea when it will be back up?

upin said...

i try to play in chinese serever but i cant play. when i join or host appears error notif in chinese. its different from the 3 on your post. what shoul i do?? thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Can anybody help me with my problem?
Adobe and DirectX are both updated

Anonymous said...

Message keeps coming up stating Swords of Revealing Light, not allowed in TCG/OCG

pen_uin said...

percy, when i try to save replay, it either save a blank file or just a first turn. is that some bug?

Unknown said...


Can anybody help me with my problem?
Adobe and DirectX are both updated

ans : if u have the beta one, use it instead use the prefious version or delete the prefiouse version of "ygopro_vs.exe".

2. Message keeps coming up stating Swords of Revealing Light, not allowed in TCG/OCG

that mean server use previous banned list, so remove the extra card:
ex : FH can use 3 magic cylinder, meanwhile TDOANE use 2. so u can't use 3 macil in TDOANE server.

Unknown said...

hi all can u make chat in ygopro
then i can speak with any 1 i need